Posts by Tabberkins

    balance the time addition/negation caused by morale

    this will increase the likelihood of new users staying with the game because...

    it will balance out premium users' ability for a jump by giving half of their paid morale benefit to a free, (hopefully) new, player

    this also perks up premium players because they'll actually save money well lets call it half if thats the alteration thats added because of this suggestion

    I noticed a bug with the notifications on mobile that included player names or their nations being incorrect as well.

    For example, my ally Norway messaged me and it told me that "Austria" had messaged me in the notification.

    There are a few different mechanics to consider when declaring war.

    The ai have different stances toward you depending on certain criteria. Check your global popularity by going to the diplomacy tab and looking at your own nation (a thumbs up/down icon). This statistic will, in some cases, determine whether an ai declares war on you itself or gives you right of way. Your relation to ai is very important.

    I agree with Chaplinatord, don't declare a war on an ai unless you're committed to the effort. A long drawn out war isn't ideal.

    Declaring war before attacking someone also helps. The 'perfidious' act will really lower your popularity and I am unsure but it is likely that if you attack an ai unannounced that they will not like you for a much longer period of time.

    For a more comprehensive guide on this topic search the forum for ai relations. There are a few good threads by dedicated players which have helped myself.

    These things do take some time.

    I am not entirely sure but I believe you will get points at day change. You will also receive a large boost if you survive or win the round.

    This is of course a game of patience. You will level up quickly after finishing a round.

    I recommend you acquaint yourself with what causes points to be accumulated and the associated badges you can earn by looking through the forum or on your personal profile page.

    In the first image you can see my artillery icon is invisible.

    In the second one of my infantry.

    I have noticed this while playing the 100 player map as Baffin. When my units are near the top edge of the map they will be invisible like this at times.

    Using the lasso tool allows you to select the units.

    At times their chevron has been above the border of the map so using the lasso tool is the only option.

    I submitted a bug report for this issue but I saw no way to submit screenshots so I made this thread.

    Is there a way to submit screenshots while playing on the mobile app when submitting a bug report?


    Take into consideration the random factor in combat. It is worked into the game for a reason.

    I suggest using patrol command as Hanzy said.

    Thank you for the response Forest_Dog.

    I failed to include that I was already at war with this person.

    I was under the impression that if you are at war any troops that cross paths will auto-engage.

    Is that incorrect for submarines?

    I am experiencing an issue. See screenshot.

    An enemy submarine somehow got past mine. My battleship is resting on a point and the enemy 5 infantry is on the next point.

    I had a battlegroup with my battleship, cruisers and submarine infront of them as I moved in to attack. There is no possible way that the enemy sub got in behind me because I revealed all armies with spies.

    1. How did my submarines get past this enemy sub?

    2. Is it possible that my spy revealing this sub earlier (bottom right) "tricked" me?

    3. Can you use submarines to sneak past enemy submarines? I thought they auto-attacked when they met at sea.

    There is a thing called splash damage. If the units are close enough together you will still have a chance of hitting both.

    The targetting with planes is a hit and miss.

    I would like to see some changes such as a range number (the radius of the circle, which would allow redirecting mid flight or even a bombard and then land in a different aerodrome command.

    I would also like to see the ability to fly planes twice their radius distance, meaning that if they are flying to a target at the edge of their circle and return to aerodrome they should be able to fly twice that circle to another aerodrome. It is the same distance. This of course would require a huge overhaul of the system but be more realistic.

    It would be interesting to consider implementing a "crash" chance or damage to a plane if you would like to fly it to a province without an aerodrome or if the one it flew from was destroyed while in the air.

    If you check the official rules thread it does state that any number can join as the game will allow (from a particular alliance). I would assume then, that it depends upon the integrity of the individuals to uphold the rule and to not dominate the game thereby breaking the rule; which graciously has some freedom worked into it as to not condemn one without evidence first.

    This providence for fair-play also would allow alliance members, who enjoy playing together to do so in a public match and face each other as friends. Also, for teaching and learning purposes.

    Thank you for the swift reply. It is truly appreciated.

    I will attempt to communicate this breach of the rules with the concerned persons because they may be unaware.

    A game report, I hope, is unnecessary. But, we all must do our part to maintain balance and uphold the spirit of the game.

    Knowledge applied is wisdom.

    FYI - I have read the game rules and understand what has been said there. This thread is a request for more information as I believe the rule is not clear on wolfpacking.

    I will give a brief picture of the round I am currently in for context.

    500 player map

    An alliance has joined with around 30 members. I know that this is not in itself a breaking of the rule.

    Since the start of the game they have been joining various coalitions and the stage of the game has now progressed to the point where they have started to gather together yet some are still in other coalitions not together with all alliance members. I know that they have been sharing map and using outside communication methods to coordinate. Effectively, in my opinion, they are account pushing by feeding each other intelligence, resources, land and money while at the same time using other players to go to war with eachother to benefit their own alliance.

    With careful correspondence I have been told that they will only allow one of their own alliance members or coalitions to win the round. I have also been told that if I attack one of any of these members in the round that they will all declare war on me or trade embargo.

    So I, like a fun-loving individual, called them on it and what was said happened.

    Most recently one of their members told me this, "My alliance mates each gifted me 100k silver" to aid in his war against me. So that's about 20 active players who funded this war against myself. He also told me that he is "drumming up support on (various social networks) which is where we coordinate attacks on players like you".

    So I have a few questions...

    1. Can this scenario be considered wolfpacking? (Even if it has only been done, to me, in the one round?)

    2. Can this scenario be considered a form of account-pushing? (Even if it is other active alliance members pooling resources not just joining a game to give land/money/resources or attack adjacent enemies)

    3. Can an alliance join a game with such a large number of members and all share map with eachother without it being considered wolfpacking or account-pushing?

    4. Will using other communication services to coordinate attacks on such a large scale also be considered wolfpacking or account-pushing?

    5. If these alliance members are in different coalitions is it breaking a rule to send land/resources/money or intelligence to other alliance members in other coalitions?

    6. If these alliance members all declare war/trade embargo on you is that considered wolfpacking or account-pushing?

    To be honest, I am asking this more for my personal knowledge so that I will not be accused of breaking any rules in the future as I have created my own alliance for players to just have fun together. Thank you for your time.