Posts by IDigTrenches
I have been reported for multi accounting in game #4074311, a 100 player map and I have not cheated. I have received the multi account warning, and it says I log into two accounts on same computer. It is day four. All I have done is backstab allies to gain land quick , this is a wrong report. How to reverse this?
I get temp banned in the chat just because I agree with Legacy being removed. Others get pissed and I get banned. Why does it happen to me?
Fools. No point in complaining. Removing this outdated mode just improves the game even more, you guys just have to adapt. Legacy took too many resources for 5%. You guys should be happy Bytro is attempting to improve the game by cutting off this obsolete mode. My desktop from 2010 can handle it, yours should too.
By eliminating Legacy they can do this and more! Legacy is outdated and old. It took up too many resources from the dev team. Instead of working on two modes, they can work on improving one and introduce cross play. They can also make other improvements faster because they have more free developers. It's just like java mode. Outdated, and underused.
Okay, just to ensure we don't turn this into a flaming thread, I'm going to put my two cents in here and leave it at that.
Firstly, let's drop the "only a very small portion of the players use Legacy mode" because we've already stated the reasons the number is so low.
I personally have a background in both Corporate Communications AND additionally in Computer Graphics with a specialization in Usability Issues. My time in those fields go back to 1982. In that time, I have worked with IBM, Microsoft, Novell, Corel, ATI Technologies, Dell and others mostly in a consultant role.
Now firstly, there is no such thing as an "expiry" date on software, I know several clients that are still working with versions of Lotus 1-2-3 on their computers and they're quite happy with them. Secondly, saying that the SAME resources are required to support Legacy as are required for the new UI is.....let's just say....stretching the truth. I know of one company that produces a niche product for a printing house client of mine and although they've updated and changed their product over the years, they STILL support the much older version and it ONLY requires time and expertise from one Software Engineer out of the 40 they have on staff.
Finally, the reason you are pushing the new UI is because you're trying to make it cross platform and you're encountering many difficulties in doing so and with eliminating Legacy you're trying to force the issue by having people become a Beta group for you to tell you what's wrong and offer suggestions on how to improve things that you haven't thought about. I would suggest other methods to accomplish this better but I suspect you have no intention of changing the direction you've chosen.
Legacy mode took the same amount of resources as the main U.I, and only 5% of players used it. It improves the game by putting resources in other things to make supremacy greater, faster.