Posts by Gebakkenkiekske

    Your explanation with figures makes it completely clear. Sincere thanks, this changes a lot!

    My question is about the change of morale at day transition.

    Is it smart to place large groups in hostile territory instead of leaving them in a conquered province with 25% morale if nothing better is available or is this just worse?

    Thanks in advance for the explanation!

    Best community,

    Have been attacked by an ally while my border was empty.

    Haven't played in a long time. I play the standard 31player map.

    4infs in defense vs 11 infs attacking.

    There is a fort level 1 and still have 5 infs arriving just too late. Major reinforcement takes 17h.

    My specific question: can I get those 5infs during the attack into the fortress to the extent that they are protected + can they use their defensive stat instead of the attacking one?

    It is quite urgent. 😟

    A thousand thanks in advance!