Not sure if this is still an active thread if so please reply! Am deeply looking for an active alliance I can play with.
Posts by Rum Strong
I think its well balanced to be quite honest. Just depends on your move early game. I personally try to balance and half my country's production by half Barracks lvl 2 and Factory pushes.
I would leave infantry production rate current.
If this was implemented either way, withdrawal would probably have major negative morale attributes, let alone the fact you'll usually lose 50%+ of your manpower on the retreat.
Death before DISHONOR!
If you click on the province it will show a mini-legend as to why the morale is low, and it might bolster moving soldiers in it might even lower your soldiers morales.
It's not entirely based off games won, its based on performance within the games itself.
I am an old player, from a different account clearly. I used to play back in 2010 a little under a year after the game was out.
Very experienced, very active now.
Looking forward to an invitation.
User ID: (26762712)