Attention Generals!
We are happy to announce that new game mechanics as well as all balancing changes are live! Please find the full list of changes here!
We appreciate your feedback on the new mechanics. Want to report a bug, share your thoughts and suggestions? - You are in the right thread. All comments are taken into consideration, so don't hesitate and feel free to tell us what you think!
Please note that the changes are available only in the rounds created after the update (2023-01-10)
Talked already with freezy, but I think it's worth to put it here.
I don't think it was a good idea to eliminate the economical news at the newspaper. The "defeat the purpose of the fog of war" argument is countered with the current espionage (and not even the ones paid with Goldmarks, but the normal ones, paid with silvermarks/pounds), which features more complete and precise information at a reasonable price, in contrast with the vague and incomplete info provided by the newspaper for free.
The value of the newspaper lies at informing players about events. By removing pieces of info from that resource, the newspaper will become more and more irrelevant, and that's not good for the playability and inmersion the players need in this game.
Knowing what building was built in which province is what a newspaper exists for, since is making aware to the players about the competition and who's developing the country really fast (maybe because goldmarks?), while, at the same time, is not giving sensible information that can determinate victory or defeat in a match and, thus, is not worth of making some kind of datamining (for that, as I said, there is the espionage section)
I think players would be grateful if you step back in that regard, which is not a critical topic, fortunately.