Controversial decision
it's a known bug, devs are working on it
what does it mean for my medals?
will I get single map or coalition map victory?
depends on how you won, the bug is only the text saying you lost, but the system registers a win
however you can check in your achievements if you got medals the day the game ended, if you do not see the medal it was supposed to give you then send a ticket to support and ask for it by giving the game ID and explaining the issue
I won single , I guess
with 1437 points as a coalition - we should not win as a coalition I guess
I pressed retirement when I was last on the historic map
no Single medal yet
I must admit it is a mess and I have no idea which medal I should receive
can someone advice how it works and which medal I should get?
Historical map should grant you the allied medal as they are fixed teams.
I believe the bug is just that "Defeat message", you should get the medal and the GM.
I though I would also get gold medal for the first , second or 3rd place. We have here both teams and coalition - should I also get coalition medal?
does it mean that in alliance games you just get allied medal?
I though I would also get gold medal for the first , second or 3rd place. We have here both teams and coalition - should I also get coalition medal?
does it mean that in alliance games you just get allied medal?
Yep, should be the same as alliance games, you just get the allied medal as they are fixed teams.
what about lets say 500
you win as coalition but you also have fisrt place
which medal goes to you?
and another test case- same thing but you win solo as a AFK player. I know you will not get gms- but medal should come to you.
Coalitions would be a different situation to fixed teams. I'm not 100% about this, but I belive you get both in coalitions. Top 3 players get their medals and members from the winning coalition get their coalition victory (can coincide or not with top 3).
AFK players don't get the medals either
Well I am not sure of that as I got a message I have won - so technically I should have a medal
Well, I can't be sure how it works now, but I'm sure that in the past I have had team mates that went AFK when the enemy was defeated but the game hadn't actually finished, and they didn't get the medal.
But I guess they might of changed it or it might be bugged..
so I am bot on the first place for 1 day and the map finishes - I get nothing
my firend on the 2d place gets silver medal and GMs
and that is it? Ehh I should have got medal and GMS too- different things happens in real life and professional life and for sure bytro is not the center of the world so if I have spent over a year to win a map it cannot be taken for me because I had more serious things to do in real life.
or can it?
Well, If you go AFK, it's the AI that takes over and actually wins.. So I think it's right that it works like that. If you have spent a lot of time in it, I doubt you wouldn't log in for a couple of days when you are about to win.
if you have life you do not choose game
still very poor design in my opinion