Pay to play rounds instead of pay to win

  • Hi,

    I like this game a lot, I have been playing since 2009 and there is one feature that I would love:

    Games, where you spend GM to join, but then there is no GM spending in that game anymore.

    I understand the need for goldmarks, developers have to eat, and I also understand that full transition from p2w to p2p would be too drastic and risky... so adding this one feature to game creator seems like a best option to me.

    I just really want a game which is 100% fair and I don't mind paying for it.


  • Hey,

    Didnt S1914 have that already? I dont remember specifically when but when they added planes in the game and option to pick a nation yourself, you had to spend goldmarks to join such a game.

    I like the idea. However, I dont really have a problem with GM users. More money they spend the better the app gets (i think you also remember the days when there was no app).

    The problem in my opinion is the amount of GM you get from winning a game. It doesnt seem to be much. Id even prefer if they had different currency for winning games (especially when you use limited or no GM). The exchange rate of that currency for ingame actions can be lower and would kinda motivate me to join more games

  • Hey,

    Didnt S1914 have that already? I dont remember specifically when but when they added planes in the game and option to pick a nation yourself, you had to spend goldmarks to join such a game.

    There is an option to have your round be a gold round, which requires people to pay 5,000 GM to join, but there is currently no option to have no gold use within the round itself which is what the original poster is suggesting.

  • There are alliance or tournament games whom cannot use GM to battle

    Or ones that require GM to go in

    Get going with strategy at first of the game, always be prepared, and win the game with an amount of skills and take the trophy up with your allies or yourself!:D:) It is just a game:!:

  • Well, that is actually how everything working: today you play in free-to-play game, and tomorrow you start to pay for the gear and etc.

    Especially the problem is when some people are trying to scam you (even your own teammates) in order to receive the control on your account. For instance, yesterday I asked my friend to send me a link on donation service to this game, and he sent me a fishing site. Hopefully, I had softpos from my bank account which defended me. Malware did not steal my pivotal data (/sigh/).

    And yes: it is normal to donate. There is just need of a balance between "special" gear and just normal things.