[S1914] Release Notes - 2021-11-23

  • 1636463668_news_images_22759.jpg

    New Feature:

    • When adding a building to the construction queue that is not yet present in a province, the construction menu will open a dropdown menu where different levels of the respective building can be selected for future construction.

    Bug fixes:

    • A bug was fixed that could cause planes to not follow their original flight path and vanish from sight when sent on a patrol mission.
    • An issue was resolved that prevented planes that were attacked while flying (not patrolling!) to deal defensive damage.
    • A bug was fixed that could cause armies to reposition to a previous location when changing diplomatic relations with another player.
    • A bug on desktop was fixed that prevented buildings from being added to the construction queue if the player had not enough resources at the time the building was queued.
    • An issue was resolved that caused the travel time for naval units to not be displayed on mobile devices.

  • Sorry for annoying you, but our alliance have a problem about elo points, we challenged two alliances, one of them is in our statics and, the another one have been 6 days ended and not added yet. More than 40 points not calculated. I tried to connect with bytro once in 15 november and the second on tuesday. but no real response, yes there's response but not makes sense, maybe I have misunderstanding in this situation, but I'm all ears and I hope to hear formal response here. Thank you for your patient.

  • Code
    1. hello, you can't see the clock with the time of the attack when the units have movement orders, this prevents making decisions about it. The newspaper does not correctly reflect the units that you have lost or killed, for example I cannot know how many planes I have killed of my enemy in game 4227711.
    2. And now, when you select several provinces, the option of scheduling constructions that you already have scheduled or in the process of construction disappears, which forces you to select the provinces a few at a time, even one at a time.
    3. Do you realize that every time you touch something things work worse than before?
    4. https://gyazo.com/4ecd76f820ee835b7c70c6600be4794f
    5. Here I want to program fortresses, as there are fortresses under construction I cannot see that option.
    6. And another thing, for work reasons I have a high speed connection and a pc ready to use autocad, revit and photoshop, and even so the 500 map is slow to load or move, you select a unit and it takes several seconds for the menu to activate, the units cannot be seen if they are not selected. It is painful how the game is working, when before it was much superior in many aspects.
    7. sorry for the google translation, i don't speak english
  • Sorry for annoying you, but our alliance have a problem about elo points, we challenged two alliances, one of them is in our statics and, the another one have been 6 days ended and not added yet. More than 40 points not calculated. I tried to connect with bytro once in 15 november and the second on tuesday. but no real response, yes there's response but not makes sense, maybe I have misunderstanding in this situation, but I'm all ears and I hope to hear formal response here. Thank you for your patient.

    If you encounter a problem it's best to use the bug report feature within the game directly to get in contact with support staff and automatically provide a lot of relevant information to investigate any issues. I don't have any insight into what you communicated beforehand so I can't really adress anything directly.

    I'm aware of a report regarding elo points not being calcucalted correctly after an alliance match from some weeks ago, but if it worked correctly on one of your matches, then there might be something that causes it to not work correctly for some reason if conditions are met. Please report it again if you can ovserve it so we have a better chance of investigating it succesfully.

  • Con il nuovo aggiornamento gli aerei non decollano più e le truppe di terra, se imposti il comando "dividi" non fanno nulla. Soo riavviando il gioco (molto lento rispetto a prima tra l'altro) si vedono eseguiti gli ordini dati alle truppe di terra

  • Arcorian

    Closed the thread.