[SOLVED] Icons way too big on the app on my new phone

  • EDIT: I have had this issue for 5 days, and suddenly, now that I have posted this, the scale returned to normal without me doing anything about it...

    I have a new phone, and I have a problem with the supremacy app. Everything is too big, it's not at all comfortable to use. If I use supremacy on firefox on the same phone, the UI size is what I'm used to, very much usable. How can I get normal sized icons on the app like on firefox?

    Here is a screen on firefox:

    Supremacy on Firefox


    Here is a screen on the app:

    Supremacy on App

    I found nothing useful in the settings...

    Thanks in advance for your help.

  • Gilead

    Changed the title of the thread from “Icons way too big on the app on my new phone” to “[SOLVED] Icons way too big on the app on my new phone”.
  • Avarita

    Approved the thread.