Below you'll find the biglist off previous suggested ideas. In order to keep the process of idea creation structured, which increases the chance of an idea being picked up, we have set a list of guidelines. Ideas that do not follow these guidelines will be asked to edit or will be closed.
1) After a few weeks of discussion you can request that your thread is to be polled. A Moderator will then upon your request create a poll for you. If the moderators feel that the discussion has died out they will propose that a poll is started. They have the freedom to create the poll them self and close the thread.
2) Make sure that your idea is unique. Check the great list to find out wheter or not your idea has been proposed before. Rejected ideas(1) can be reopened after a year to see if the community opinions have changed. The game and it's community is dynamic and so must the suggestions be.
3) Please refrain from proposing more then one idea per thread. This way dedicated on-topic discussions can be done on your idea. If you have multiple ideas, then please create multiple threads. Threads containing radical different ideas will be asked to split.
(1) Ideas that did not win the voting