Splitting and delaying troops

  • Is this a bug or a feature of the game?

    A player splits a stack of say 40 infantry into 40x1 infantry that have all been delayed for several hours. If you hit this, as I did with 60+ infantry, an AC and a couple of cav, you just get wiped out and they lose almost nothing, even though my troops had higher morale.

  • Pinguzard

    Approved the thread.
  • I thought they removed that cheese ''stat'' some time ago. The ''flower'' tactic should not work or even exist, to be honest.

    It's one of the reasons why I gave this game a second chance.

    Can we get any confirmation from an experienced player or dev?

  • I thought they removed that cheese ''stat'' some time ago. The ''flower'' tactic should not work or even exist, to be honest.

    It's one of the reasons why I gave this game a second chance.

    Can we get any confirmation from an experienced player or dev?

    Splitting your armies, also known as flowering, doesn't offer any advantage in defense. When defending, your armies are treated as one, so splitting doesn't bypass any stack limits or provide extra protection. It's just extra hassle without any payoff.

    However, when it comes to attacking, splitting can make a big difference depending on the situation. Unlike defense, attacking armies are individually calculated for damage, so splitting can help you go beyond stack limits. But there's a catch: each attacking group will take a full counter hit from the defending armies, even if they're split.

    In simpler terms, splitting during an attack can speed up damage dealing, but it might also result in taking more damage, especially if your armies exceed stack limits.

  • with flowering defence in so many inf, the damage will divide among all the units, so they will take the same damage, if it where one group, but the inf loses morale/hp and can be still alive for a very long time. I have seen it happen.

  • From the official Discord for Supremacy 1914:

    freezy05/13/2024 6:32 AM

    Offensive damage is indeed not limited when you split them. But because each separate stack gets the full defense damage applied with every tick, offensive flowering for melee units is usually a bad idea as it leads to greater losses (for ranged units its fine because your ranged attacks do not trigger defense damage). I explained all of that in one of the pinned messages in the channel.


    Also FYI @Octavius (you kinda explained it yourself in the last post)

    A half truth is merely a half lie.