• So I download this game a few hour back in the day.
    A random guy try to explain to me how to gather all troops into one single brigade.
    I had some problem with that. How to gather 1 brigade unit into a massive brigade units.
    aka 1 + 1 + 1 + 1+ 1 = 5 Brigade unit.
    They explain to me I have to hold in right click mouse button to gather them all up.
    For me it did not work.
    So I figure out that you need to place all one single unit into one single spot like a capital , city or just in the open.
    In the end they will automaticly gather into a big Brigade.
    So there was alot of confusing about that stuff. In the end I didnt care anymore because I figure it out.
    Gather all single unit into one single spot and let them auto regrroup into a large Brigade.
    2-3 hour later a person appear.
    And he tells me that I am not allow to use word like "dumb" person or poop" because I do know about the internett game rules of communication.-
    And that is why I did not use word like "stupid" lazy or s.h.it.
    But this person keep harrasing me and say it is not allow to use that kinda of words.
    He want to dictate my words of choosing like "absurd" "radical" "fanatic" aka academic words.

    And then this person staretd to write that " If you dont like what that person is giving you or you dont like his information, you dont need to accept and just ignore him"

    And then this person start to go back to square one and start all the poop ive been throu about the gathering of units into one large brigade.
    And i respond :

    "Dont care I figure it out and people keep talking about it. I think you guys should report this to the admin so they can make a small torturial clip"

    aka I was pass that stuff and I am over it. I am watching youtube and dont care.

  • They explain to me I have to hold in right click mouse button to gather them all up.
    For me it did not work.
    So I figure out that you need to place all one single unit into one single spot like a capital , city or just in the open.
    In the end they will automaticly gather into a big Brigade.

    Apologize me but I'll reply while I read through your message so I havenot yet seen the end while typing this.

    your assumptions are indeed right, to draw a selection 'bubble' you need to use the right click button of your mouse and draw the bubble around your units, when holding cntrl at the same time you can select multiple provinces. Sometimes it gets stuck in province mode then you can try cntrl a few times to try and return to unit mode or have to reload. If all of this still didn't work it might be a bug but then we'd need some additional information.

    Secondly on the ban appeal.
    Respectfull treatment the first of the
    chat rules, would seemingly point out not to insult users nor the moderation crez. Further more bans are not discussed on the forum so I removed a large part of your post for blacklisting and discussing bans.

    To appeal bans you need to contact the Smod (either myself or mr.Dutch) , I will contact you in a few to discuss this further.

    ex - EN Senior Moderator

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