Spectator mode after ban in the map

  • Hello

    I noticed it is not possible to spectate a game after you were banned from it.

    As it happens - when you are banend it is most likely your opponent who reported you before you had a chance to report him.

    Now I have couple of times this situation and even though I told support other guy was also breakign rules I could not do anyting bout that- because I was not able to take screenshots or report messages.

    Now I have a map on which one toxic player is continuing to insult me in newspaper after I was banned. I would liek to have means to report him and continue progress of my friends on the map. Hopefully helping them as much as I can with my expertise. I find it disturbing that such a player can report me and I go off from the map while he does much worse things and still plays without any problems.

    GL HF

    G F

  • you can't spectate it even if your aren't banned, spectate mode has been broken for quite a while

    Now I have a map on which one toxic player is continuing to insult me in newspaper after I was banned. I would liek to have means to report him and continue progress of my friends on the map. Hopefully helping them as much as I can with my expertise. I find it disturbing that such a player can report me and I go off from the map while he does much worse things and still plays without any problems.

    always report the content that breaks the rules, if not you, your friends


    Soldiers! don't give yourselves to brutes

    men who despise you, enslave you

    who regiment your lives, tell you what to do

    what to think and what to feel!

    Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle,

    use you as cannon fodder.

    Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men

    machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!