Hello fellow Role-players, I thought i would start with a quick update on the RPU and what has been going on recently.
We recently wrapped up two 100 player RPs, the cold war roleplay and the failed revolutions 2 roleplay, they lasted 60 and 90 days respectively.
We are about to start a 31 player roleplay based on failed revolutions part 3 on supremacy 1914 and a 100p roleplay on Call of War, called 1905 Concert of Europe.
We are also looking to start a 150p roleplay on the 500p map.
The RPU consists of 121 role-players. Turk is on a mini-hiatus and Carthy has been promoted to current leader.
We are happy to announce our first (at least in a long while) 500p map roleplay. The map of this roleplay can be seen with the following link:
https: //imgur.com/xcnpOxE
I couldn't fit it within the upload limits, rest in peace, so delete the space in the link and search it (I couldn't figure out how to do the image lol). For information and rules regarding the roleplay please check out this google document:
We will be doing events within the roleplay and intend for it to last a long period of time (3+ months) with casual roleplay, 1-3 articles a week should suffice. We have rules on the papacy, the Holy Roman Empire, the Mandate of Heaven, War, Exploration, Country Technologies (based on ingame year), and great powers. The roleplay will include, colonisation, the Holy Roman Empire, Chinese Mandate of Heaven, The Papacy and (possible) Crusades, The Age of Islam, The Japanese Shogunates, and the Indian Subcontinent.
We currently have 87 roleplayers within the discord for the 150p roleplay, most of whom have applied. Thus, we require 63 more roleplayers (we need all the guys/gals we can get!). It would be highly recommended that you join the discord should you be interested in the roleplay. The Discord can be found here:
Please drop into the discord to get the latest information on the rules, and available player countries. A list of currently playable countries can be seen below in next post (a little dodgy and maybe slightly inaccurate):