Rising minimal rank for map 500

  • Hello

    as there is general tendency to use friendpacks and multiaccounts on the map to secure positions and gain upper hand in starting 2-3 weeks

    while the starting requirement is lvl 3 which is very easy to obtain by simply building forts and kamikaze on small maps .

    I would like to propose rising starting level for those playing map 500 to at least lvl 7 with 5 000. it will take some dedication to create multiaccounts or friend accounts which are used for account-pushing in other 500 maps.

    Give a like if you agree as I do not know how other way we can show bytro it is a huge problem and there is no solution at hand.



  • If the goal is to reduce premade teams effectiveness: perhaps next to the capital city there could be a join date.

    If one saw a convenient placed group of 3 all joining same time one could make preparations.

    I dont like the idea of limiting the 500 player maps,

    (early joins have an advantage when it comes to early market, so it's not nice for people to join in factory age for example

    However I like the game being a tad unfair so players learn to compromise 😅)

    I do recognize thread purpose the Something could be done. 😕🤔

  • my thread is based on observations from the last 5 years - not from me or someone assumes

    this is how long we have 500 maps

    problem is the same

    nothing was done

    team cannot do a thing as they do not have tools for that

    only possible way to do sth with that is bytro intervention

    but they also have limitations how much they can do so I believe your proposition is too complicated and we will need to use something that already exists

    may I ask how many 500 maps have you played LordCommande in the last 5 years and on which you base your opinion?

    How many GMs and weeks have you lost on them with your friends to cheaters?

    I can tell you for example that in the last 3 500 maps I was GM bombed to 0 with buildings and morale, sometimes for days. it could be this is the same wolfpack but I have evidences from discord woflpack-creation against me that people who have GMS were chosen for it as they have the most GMs to spend against me. To spend 250-500 k gms on an account that is 8 provs in the first week this is a huge disadvantage for me. And huge strain on GMs of wolfpackers.

    But as bytro gives gms for free to new accounts this is why I made my proposition. Now I think you have proper understanding of the problem. Gold Kamikazze attacks from wolfpack.

  • i dont know how many 500 maps i've played, perhaps it can be found in player statistics, but i can't say that any of them have been ruined by cheaters.

    What ruined some games for me (500 is more tragic, but not 500 map exclusive) was not understanding some game mechanics that are neccacary to play the game in meta,
    e splitting stacks

    damage efficientcy
    the importance of spamming market before factory age... etc ..

    some of these i reported as cheating even! <X||