How to save time??? Part 1

  • This game is all about how you manage time..the better you manage time...the faster you acquire more provinces...if you have enough is what you have to do.... should have a tank stacked with troops enough to keep 8 infantry in newly capturing province to avoid rebellion...and some artillery stacked some distance behind with artillery on may send troops your way...but it will not effect artillery...all in all you just have to empty province or fortress... level 5 fortress shows troops as question mark...and empty forts are easily identifiable with no stationed troops..

    .this strategy is how to capture empty provinces or fortress in a way to save worked for me...i don't know if it is a glitch or not but it did worked with others too...let's take it as a glitch in map...but it is a useful glitch ... that's all what you have to know...

    Let's see What is all this enemy provinces our troop movements take lot of what i do is i don't March all way there i stop in between...

    When to stop??...normal marching troops can stop anywhere in between 5minutes 59 seconds to target...if stopped... province with even level 5 fortress will be successfully captured...after making province yours you can move the rest of the troops fast to reach target...

    How to make it better...try force marching single infantry...stop it at anywhere between 3 minutes 59 seconds to target...

    You can make it better too...try force marching single armoured car..


    It's upto you to find out when to stop with armoured cars

    This strategy works for a province without railway...4speed other maps and provinces times vary but working of strategy is guaranteed.

    It's upto you to find out when to stop in provinces with railway....

    Guaranteed till makers update...if it is a glitch...if it's not ... thanks to makers to leave loopholes in game..

    Signing off


  • FMD

    Approved the thread.