I wanted to know if we would ever see new units in the game. If so, I was thinking maybe transport vehicles that can only carry a certain number of troops and have a required time when boarding and disembarking.

Question: are we going to see new units in the game?
Approved the thread. -
They have ACs for what you just said. There's so many people who don't even know how to get to build the current mechs and so many that don't know how to use them properly. Even if you have all that down winning and competing against others alliances, the AT, the chat, chatters maps, individual tournaments, you can put on your own little tournament and advertise it. This game should never get boring and considering all that I see no reason for anymore mechs then what we got now. I mean if you still want to see new I'd come up with it, what it would do, it's stats, and what current mech it would replace, or what level it should be added. That's my recomendation cause I and I know others enjoy the current mechs alot.
agree i think.. new unit will be good
Railroads move your troops faster. There are no "trucks" to move troops around. AC are for scouting not carrying troops, or they are great defensive units.
This is WWI not many units that they don't have.
Barring gas attacks
I agree that this game should definitely have more units. This is one of it's glaring shortcomings compared to other Bytro games, and as I enjoy the rest of the game very much, I would like to see significantly more units in this game. Not necessarily call of war or conflict of nations style volume, since the weapons used in ww1 were quite limited. However, I would really appreciate just 5 or 6 more units, including maybe some additional naval units and an anti-air ground unit. Also, I think a scout plane, available with just a lvl 1 factory and an aerodrome, would be a great addition. I know this is part of a fighter's role, but I am pretty sure WW1 saw a lot of dedicated scout planes and I think this would be a really useful unit. It would have low hp and combat values, but would reveal stealth, have a range slightly longer than the bomber, and a sight range about 1/2 of the balloon. The reason this would not just be a balloon 2.0 is because of its increased speed and anti-stealth capabilities. It would also be cheaper than the fighter and require a lower-level factory, which would be part of the appeal, since I find fighters simply not worth it given their small range and high cost.