I'd like to join

Chatter's map sign up page [now closed]
- Closed
I am interested, doesn't matter on the province.
Ransom -
Greece please. (Rumania as back-up)
have I got your correct account name here? to be able to add you into the map on friday ?
Seer of keepsies is my correct account name, glad we caught that. Seer of Keepsies . Thanks
Hey, in the rules, networking players will not be permitted to play. What does that mean exactly?
Hey, in the rules, networking players will not be permitted to play. What does that mean exactly?
This means the anti-cheat system will be enabled..
This is the default setting for all maps not created by a player.
if he hasn't contacted you already, Smerkin is trying to sign up.
This means the anti-cheat system will be enabled..
This is the default setting for all maps not created by a player.
What does the anti-cheat system involve? Or what is it's function? I'm not sure if I'm asking the right question it the question right. How will this effect me in game? How is the anti-cheat system applied?
also DevonLarett
if he hasn't contacted you already, Smerkin is trying to sign up.
also DevonLarett
ok at this late stage please have them check for mails from me. for password. they have to be random, [best i cant do buddy]
I am online
just awake and awaiting an assist, from our illustrious GO team
The launch mails, will all go out with Game Number and Password as soon as our round is created by a GO
I haven't received anything
anyway I can get in the game
Im in if theres space
I will rename this thread to prevent more confusion ...
more chatters maps will come !
Changed the title of the thread from “Chatter's map sign up page” to “Chatter's map sign up page [now closed]”. -
Closed the thread.