Premium-only servers with goldmarks disabled

  • Pretty self-explanatory title.
    Supremacy 1914 is such a good game in many ways, but games where it becomes a bank account- battle is something that really kills the fun for most people. (except the ones who gets the thrill through swiping their creditcards, obviously)

    Obviously it's a great source of income for Bytro, so removing that part of the game would take a serious toll on their IRL economy. My proposal is a workaround, that instead of removing the creditcard wars, just introduce an additional type of game mode where people can pay the monthly fee to have a place where all players are on equal footing, allowing skill expression independent of the size of their fathers oil company. The base game is so awesome that I think there is room for more.

    I'd love to hear your thoughts

  • This suggestion is nearly as old as the game itself. It has never been considered in the past and I would not expect it to be in the future. The actions of the Bytro teams from a financial standpoint are not to offer subscription play, closed pay to play individual games or a standardized 'fee' to play on equal footings. Instead, they offer new pay to win tools: Cards. The money is the driving factor, as it is for most all businesses, but to criticize or bring about a threat of penalizing action against those that point out the obvious is like trying to stop your kid from seeing violence when attending a cage fight.

    A half truth is merely a half lie.

  • This suggestion is nearly as old as the game itself. It has never been considered in the past and I would not expect it to be in the future. The actions of the Bytro teams from a financial standpoint are not to offer subscription play, closed pay to play individual games or a standardized 'fee' to play on equal footings. Instead, they offer new pay to win tools: Cards. The money is the driving factor, as it is for most all businesses, but to criticize or bring about a threat of penalizing action against those that point out the obvious is like trying to stop your kid from seeing violence when attending a cage fight.

    I'm not following; who is threatening who, for saying what?

  • If you become somewhat heated and switch to hating the premium currency from pointing out your opinions on where it may not be used properly, in your opinion, the game creators and owners have asked their staff of paid workers and volunteers to enforce rules around denouncing it to the letter and with no latitude.

    The idea has been brought before. At one time the game offered a premium currency free alliance tournament. It was the reason for the large amount of players at the time. The last year of it bought the organizers a lot of issue trying to field so many games in contrary of the game code. It resulted in a number of complaints and an ultimate reset of the the original tournament. Alliances were randomized again and many did not have as nice a drop as the previous. The complaints didn't stop and the game creators took notice that a tournament that didn't make them any currency from a group of players who didn't pay created so much issue in the same year their individual tournament brought in its largest haul to date. There was rumor someone spent 100K USD. I question that but it must've been enough to start a rumor. From there the game creators have completely backed away from anything that does the task for you. Only allowing volunteer staff the right to monitor select tournaments and closed games by request.

    One of the reoccurring themes in this has been a suggestion to attach the chance for a GM'free game creation by people who are members of the High Command and making joining the game exclusive to people who buy high command. Recently the model seems to have changed to try and create more long term accounts with premium command. If they offer x number of games for 3 months 6 months and 12 months they may get even more people to buy high command. I know a number of people who would watch videos to get it for free. Now they pay for it. They bought the cheap one first and just bought the long term the next time. I am sure they would get a huge surge of people in alliances buying high command to assure challenges are fair. Low level alliances and top 20 alike.

    In the end its an economic model. If they se the possible profit in it they will probably try it out. But offering a gm free games will be pandoras box. You can't put the genie back in the bottle.

  • My High command expired in February, the previous year that I paid for HC was $50 and in the midst of that year of HC Bytro changed /reduced the number of personal maps I could create from 5 reduced to 1 per month, ( zero Notification) and what is more when creating alliance maps my 1 game per month was used up, love the perks of HC but will never agree that it is financial benefit for Bytro to , now I question should I spend my hard earned money for HC , will Bytro simply change the terms of the purchase without notice again, part of the change of terms was changing name from High Command to Premium Account, basically continued grifting on Bytro part IMO

    This suggestion is nearly as old as the game itself. It has never been considered in the past and I would not expect it to be in the future. The actions of the Bytro teams from a financial standpoint are not to offer subscription play, closed pay to play individual games or a standardized 'fee' to play on equal footings. Instead, they offer new pay to win tools: Cards. The money is the driving factor, as it is for most all businesses, but to criticize or bring about a threat of penalizing action against those that point out the obvious is like trying to stop your kid from seeing violence when attending a cage fight.

    South Paw how is it possible you had your status as "retired Veteran" removed but you were able to keep your rank as Brigadier in the forum?

    I would also like to have this tag as Retired Veteran removed from my status, makes me feel like an accomplice to the continued Grifting that Bytro is conducting.


    Embrace your true nature , enjoy games and have fun!

    Edited once, last by Hastings TNT ().

  • I made no friends at the time of my retirement. I have asked the same questions about my status here as well, I may as well poke a tiger in the eye than to receive just satisfaction. Although some of the provocation had departed from the current team, there are some that can not seem to get past the issue and simply be nice. So, I settle for those that know me to wave as we pass and comment with the knowledge and respect I carry with me both as former staff and as an experienced player.
    The river runs deep I'm afraid, and the loss is not mine, I assure you Hastings. I am retired and have tons of time and experience to offer.
    So just smile and wave my old friend.

    A half truth is merely a half lie.