Hello again.
This will be my third thread.
One of the admin told me to
quote "
"Feel free to contact Whitetiger you can either PM him or send in a general support ticket (see my signature) stating the appeal of the Senior Moderators actions and that the report is ment for the MA. "
"send in a general support ticket"
For me to contact "Whitetiger" i need to create a new private account using their
Homepage : https://www.supremacy1914.com/…=188#/user/:userID=478040
I dont see a point creating a new account when I have this one.
Before this post I created a new thread and he delete because I am not doing it the right way.
Even thou he told me to make a new case and grab Whitetiger attention.
Somthing I did. Few min later it got deleted.
If that is not admin abuse I dont know.
He want me to avoid talking about this sensitive case and not put it on the public for the rest to see.
If this happens to me it has happend to others too, maybe it will happend to the future player of this game.
I am just trying to open this case and really see what is going on with the Admin of this game.
There is alot of power hungry admin out there. And I want to expose them.
It is kinda sad when you are just playing the game. fallow some certain rules and yet you get banned.
SOmething aint right!
He even sendt me a private message that this case will go higher up and there is no point for him to read it anymore.*
Even thou he was the one who took this case and try to solve it.
He did not solve the problem and sendt me higher up to a guy / girl / it named "White Tiger 89 "
I am trying to get hold of WhiteTiger89 but it got deleted.
Aka he going to delete every thread from this account.
All I want from day one is to know why I got banned for and proof that i called a specific people donkey within 30 min spam.