Live streams from Supre

  • Hello

    As I play less and less I thought it would be good to record some of more interesting maps and explain what happened there , what is happening and what will happen. Have a look, like, subscribe, comment

    Just do not judge quality as I seriously do not have time to play and edit content

    I hope you will enjoy watching maps with some comments.

  • not the best as I do not have good mic and time to edit but at least it is something.

    I figured that if you play , you can stream a little bit those maps

    I will move eventually to live streaming as creating vid and moving it to ytube takes to much time

    first I will read how to do it

    do not mind my babies and wife in the background. sometimes there is nothing I can do about that :-)

  • Alright I just have finished uploading materials from Arms Race event that have finished 2 weeks ago.

    give me some constructive feedback, as negtive one is not needed. This is my first playlist on ytube and I am sure most of things are terrible, but at least I have full series :-)

    Enjoy and wait for another series from Gold Rush event come to the end tomorrow if I will not be busy with friends.. No spoilers but it was good fun showing how to fight much bigger opponents.

  • sorry i had moved more to job related projects.

    I will add summary of 1-4 alliance game and RP map.

    We also have summary of the Calabrian map with probably biggest army ever assembled.

    And we follow skynet wars agaisnt 30 bots- this one is terrible. it is enough to go afk for 25 horus an bytro elite bot takes over and kills hundreds of your tanks and arts in mindless charges... But yesterday we went on the walk so stay tuned.

    Not far from now there we would be following alliance game but from obvious reasons I will upload it after the map is concluded. the way how you play alliance game is different, tbh - completely different so it need separate playlist to explain those things properly.

    at the same time number of bytro updates i patches is huge lately so it is possible that some of mechanics have changed. We will explore that topic in alliance game.

    Do not be afraid of fighting wars and loosing- this is a normal way to learn how not to play. I have fought around 2000 wars and lost many of them, I lost 500 games and I am not ashamed of that. In my book experience outranks everything.

    Same with allies - I supported them and preffered to lose than to betray them. I do believe that I havent betrayed any real ally ( I ofc exclude multiaccounts and traitors selling your maps)

    with years you finish with concise but trusthworthy white list of people who you can trust on maps.

    GL HF

  • i got 3 battles royal to compile

    one is against 80 mln army - sea, ground and air

    other is against 50 mln- all three possibilities

    third is around 20 mln small skirmish on the ground and in the air

    let me know which one you wanna see first. I will try to learn some editing skills in next two weeks and ship it