This is my personal opinion and not a statement from Bytro:
Having aircraft carriers in a ww1 game is nonsense. First of all there were no purpose build aircraft carriers during the war at all. The ships that could be considered to be aircraft carriers of some sort were pretty much only seaplane tenders, or converted cruisers with a partial flight deck. They did not serve an operational purpose similar to what we now think of when mentioning aircraft carriers and had a miniscule capacity for aircraft.
The only realistic way to implement carriers in s1914 would be to have them as a hybrid vessel with both guns and capacity to hold 1-2 planes at most. They should also not be used to attack enemy ships but rather air reconnaissance.
The single, only ship that could be considered an actual carrier would be HMS Argus, who had absolutely no effect on the war whatsoever and was more of a "let's test the concept" ship.
IMO adding carriers to s1914 is stretching reality a lot if done in a way where they serve as naval airbases for multiple aircraft units ingame. Unless you want a ship that has the capacity to hold a balloon. That would be realistic in a way.