• So, I've been playing this game for a long time off and on and... I don't know. I have badges and stats and stuff that I like.

    Anyway, when I started playing this it didn't exactly occur to me that I'd start taking hormones and live my life as a woman and I've really gotten into it with a friend I met since then. We've been playing a lot lately, but it sorta sucks to see my dead name any time I start a new game or glance up at the welcome page.

    So, I'm tired enough of looking at it to ask if that's a thing that can be fixed?

    Anyway, thanks either way.
    Really enjoy this game.

  • Hey love, thanks for getting back to me.

    I did end up finding it with the error reporting stuff; probably just didn't really look there because I was like 'oh it's nothing that serious' and they got it solved for me in a jiffy. Cool to know about mobile, though! Thanks again.