Landshuffling is a bit of a buzzword that I've heard a lot, especially in the context of a roleplay. I'm not quite sure what it means; would be great if someone explain to me what it is in detail

Landshuffling: What Is It?
Roleplay takes player along a specific path during their game play. To achieve this, players swap territories in preparation for the game to start, or during the play to get a desired result in borders and territories. The trades are limited in number by the 3 trade rule generally, but accuracy to the intended game play is what is trying to be achieved.
Roleplay takes player along a specific path during their game play. To achieve this, players swap territories in preparation for the game to start, or during the play to get a desired result in borders and territories. The trades are limited in number by the 3 trade rule generally, but accuracy to the intended game play is what is trying to be achieved.
So, you mentioned the '3 trade rule'. I wonder what that is.
The province trade rule is +/- 4 per map, and you can not trade a province until day 7-8 and then only 1 province per day, this is not technique Role players use for Land shuffle / land swap....
Most role play games are set up with historical boundaries of the time frame they are conducting the map for, ie.1440-1460, so what the role players do to get the map started is a 'land shuffle' aka Land Swap... which has become far more difficult for the role players to manage now that AI on all maps has become ELITE AI, and global popularity with Elite AI , makes it possible AI will attack the players declaring war on each other temporarily for the land swap
What is normally done in a land shuffle is that one player will enter a map and they will move all units out of the area so that the other designated player for a given country can take the province creating a traditional border of any given Historical Era , afterward the 2 role players return to PEACE status.
Then after all Land Shuffles are complete the role players write articles in the Newspaper 'role playing' their wars and using diplomacy and government officials, monarchs and spokespersons to play out the duplicity in newspaper the maps of s1914 , in my experience Role Play is all about writing articles in Newspaper
Kind regards, Hastings TNT
i think land swap and unit trades don't need to be limited, since cheaters are easily identified.