coalitions view

  • it'd only be available when coalitions are set as allowed in-game

    basically you should be able to turn it on/off from the configuration button near chat button

    it'd show the countries are inside a coalition, even with the view, it should still show the borders of each country, so you understand which one is it, it shouldn't show the coalition as a whole but as a group of countries

    now that with the revamp we're allowed to Zoom Out a lot, it could be really useful

    Soldiers! don't give yourselves to brutes

    men who despise you, enslave you

    who regiment your lives, tell you what to do

    what to think and what to feel!

    Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle,

    use you as cannon fodder.

    Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men

    machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!

  • I usually dont play with coalitions but I can see the value of this feature is this not included in the diplomatic view in the revamped UI?

    Moderation note:
    Added to the

    i saw there's a button for Country relations, but it just show yours, would be nice if it'd show the relations according to coalitions or just create another button

    Soldiers! don't give yourselves to brutes

    men who despise you, enslave you

    who regiment your lives, tell you what to do

    what to think and what to feel!

    Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle,

    use you as cannon fodder.

    Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men

    machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!