So, I had 56 infantry, 2 artillery, 2 Heavy tanks, 5 Cavalry in a level 5 fort and was attacked by 10 artillery firing from a road. I took damage to the fort and workshop and lost 1 artillery piece. I REMEMBER being inside a level 5 fort and firing artillery with impunity because the fort needed to be taken down before the ones inside being damaged. OH, and just to prove it was not a fluke. I also had 2 artillery inside another level 5 fort and had 3 artillery destroy both artillery pieces with no damage to the infantry and cavalry accompanying them.

Forts don't matter anymore?
Sounds like part of the HnR update as if your arty are somehow targeted because of the range capabilities, return fire mechanic or something at play, with such a huge meat shield and heavy Tanks no way arty should absorb any damage in a lvl 5 fort
I will forward this so our QA team can have a look. It could indeed be a side effect of the recent update, but shouldn't. Will get it checked, thanks for reporting it.
Okay, here's ANOTHER example of Forts not mattering anymore...with pictures.
That picture shows what happened after the first attack by 5 men of an AI nation against 2 men with HIGH morale in a level 5 fort. As you can see, I lost 1 man and the AI lost NOTHING. OH, and both the morale of the 2 men was boosted using GM that was purchased AND the fort was built to level 5 with GM as well.
THAT image shows what happened AFTER an hour and the second attack went in. NOBODY lost ANYTHING.
I didn't bother making another image after the 3rd attack because the AI took the city along with what I suspect is now a level 5 fort for THEM. The reason I didn't bother making an image is because I sent in a report and I was FURIOUS. Why buy GM? Why build forts? They're useless right now, even against the AI!!!