My question is how to make my army groups,in the way that they are effective.
I know that there are a lot of factors, like my moral (both army and providence), the moral of my opponent (both army and providence), but is there a specific number of wich type of army that we should use to attack or defend?
How to manage my army groups?
Approved the thread. -
Specific number for what? There is no golden number that wins you every war, no.
there is no single 'best' way, but to maximise effectiveness, you need to understand how 'size factor' works. By knowing how size factor works, you can better adapt your army stack make-up to fit your situation.
As everyone else is saying, there is no "God" army group that can defeat any and every one.
My question is how to make my army groups,in the way that they are effective.
I know that there are a lot of factors, like my moral (both army and providence), the moral of my opponent (both army and providence), but is there a specific number of wich type of army that we should use to attack or defend?I would suggest Mixed stacks are best answer to your question , mixed stacks and awareness of CAP limits, Attack/Defense Values (Caps) https://docs.google.com/spread…L94-ZDG1NdPnCEic/pubhtml#