Release Notes - 2022-08-16

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    Attention, General!

    Today’s update introduces a new tooltip which contains all the necessary information and statistics about other players on the map. Just hover the player icon in the province bar or in the diplomacy list and you will have a clear picture about your opponents and coalition members.

    We also disabled the function for AI to leave coalitions when you are going inactive for a long time. This will simplify the game process and reduce stress when being offline.

    Last but not least, we fixed some bugs that affected wrong information display about unit names and trades as well as fixed problems with getting rewards after watching ads.

    For a complete overview of this update, please check our detailed Release Notes and share your feedback with us on the forums and our Discord server.

    Best of luck General,
    Your Bytro Team

  • Hey,

    just wanted to let you know:

    the information given under "countries at war with" in the new tooltip seems to be bugged.

    It says "0" for every player I checked in my anonymous FFA games from 2 weeks ago.

    Maybe its only a thing in games created before the update?

  • We also disabled the function for AI to leave coalitions when you are going inactive for a long time

    This sentence makes only very shaky sense and as a customer I would have found more value in it had it been composed by a person actually familiar with the game. AI never really "leaves" a coalition, it is (or was, I guess) just physically unable to be in one. It literally "leaving" implies that there is capability for it to also do the opposite and "join" one, which there is not. "Going inactive for a long time" is just confusing - there is no such thing as "long time". There is the inactivity limit, after which AI will take over from me immediately and then nothing else happens after that, whether I'm inactive for another two days or a "long time". So what, "AI will remain in coalitions after taking over from a player who becomes inactive", is that the takeaway? You put it in such a way that it is honestly hard to be sure.

    What a great feature, too, what's not to love about a useless chunk of AI dangling in a coalition for days before everyone has even realized that it's AI now.

    I really prefered when this game was intended to be played by able-minded adults rather than players who are apparently overwhelmed when a member of their coalition becomes inactive. Please let go of my hand, game, I'm a big boy.

    Yes, I see the advantage: Got counted as inactive for like half an hour, come back to the game and have to re-apply to the coalition and deal with the (this is ridiculous handholding as well by the way, but everbody got used to it by now) cooldown timers and stuff. If this was enough to make this a primary concern in game development, kudos. That's creative.


    And now you added that tooltip for other nations when hovering over the player icon. You got THIS close do doing something that by all accounts should have been done years ago and then still stopped just short of doing it:

    Why does the player's icon not change when he goes inactive so it's immediately apparent.

    This would be so easy. Especially since I'm almost convinced this was present in the original builds of the UI, ported from Legacy. Now you add a tooltip to the completely useless icon and it still doesn't strike any of you how you're basically not using that icon for actual icon-ing purposes, is that what I'm supposed to believe here? You think someone's position in the victory points score is more important information to redundantly deliver in that tooltip than the activity status? How do you come up with these, in a different game?

  • In the past, players going inactive automatically made them leave coalitions. So basically the AIs left the coalitions when taking over.

    This had several downsides and often resulted in complaints:

    - When a player became active again, they had to endure the leave cooldown and couldnt immediately join back, they had to wait several days.

    - joining back in of itself was an extra hassle for both the person coming back and the coalition mates who had to clarify why the person left, "cleaning up after them" etc.

    - it often resulted in the AI turning on their former mates, resulting in sometimes sudden wars that could completely screw the game. By keeping the AI in the coalition they cannot declare war on their mates.

    So all in all I consider it a good change :) It was based on user suggestions.

    Thanks, that's a bug, it will be fixed.

  • Is there provision for when the player that becomes inactive is the coalition leader? How does any of this impact the popularity ratings of the players involved with that AI, since it forces a diplomatic status on the AI? I'm honestly very indifferent to this change, I just don't see how it was neccessary. I see it even less thanks to your final point, in how it leads to fewer surprises and makes the game more linear and predictable. I cannot see how, as a developer, that's what you want your game to be.

    Why does the player icon still not reflect on a player's inactivity status?

  • A ja po polsku.

    Może zaczniecie otwierać, tak jak kiedyś, podstawową mapkę tej gry, czyli Europa na 10 graczy.

    Nie wszyscy lubią grać na dużych mapkach.

    Że już nie wspomnę o innych naprawdę bardzo solidnie ułożonych mapkach, jak Azja, Bałkany, Europa zachodnia, USA vs Meksyk, Ameryka Południowa, Afryka Północna.

    Ktoś się napracował, a teraz nowi gracze nawet nie maja pojęcia o istnieniu wyżej wymienionych mapek.

  • Following this change, when a player in the coalition who turned AI subsequently become active again, this player's relation to the coalition members remains at right of way.

    This leads to the situation where coalition members don't have shared maps with each other.

    I am wondering if it makes sense to programme it such that shared maps will be given to coalition mates automatically?

    Any sufficiently advanced tactic is indistinguishable from magic to the uninitiated.

  • Following this change, when a player in the coalition who turned AI subsequently become active again, this player's relation to the coalition members remains at right of way.

    This leads to the situation where coalition members don't have shared maps with each other.

    I am wondering if it makes sense to programme it such that shared maps will be given to coalition mates automatically?

    it will be fixed in a future update, so that the relation wont downgrade to right of way anymore.

  • Arcorian

    Closed the thread.