It is I, HomeZero, who shall be representing the Socialist Republic of Italy in this RP round I am in fact a human, not a super-intelligent Koala bear, however much I dream to be one.

[RPU] Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg RP
- LightningTurk
- Closed
Username: The OG DFH and my country selection is Portugal (Portuguese Angola)
Kaiser the Only Kaiser.
In game name: Rollan Bornaparte
Discord name: Kaiser Mapper
Nation I am: Union of South Africa
(I will Take All of Africa and form Pan Africanism
Oh dang. Missed this one by a week. Good luck to you guys .
Oh dang. Missed this one by a week. Good luck to you guys .
Dear lord its the meme himself XD
Boi we havent even all joined the round yet. come right in, you know you want to -
Thank you narmer
The Round Has Begun with 59/100 spots filled.
We will still be taking applications, so anyone who may be interested can feel free to apply or follow the link to the discord server.Those who would like to spectate or see what the game looks like in landswap stage, the game number is 2672913.
Hey LightningTurk, it's Scotlandball from Discord
-Flanders-Wallonia (Scotland) [German Puppet]:
Why would a union between flanders and Wallonia not just be called Belgium? Or Brabant or United Belgian State for historic names of this union. Nevertheless historically the chances were large that a flemish ruled Belgium or an independent Flanders would have been the result of a different victory in WWI. Just a headsup as Belgian nationalist
Why would a union between flanders and Wallonia not just be called Belgium? Or Brabant or United Belgian State for historic names of this union. Nevertheless historically the chances were large that a flemish ruled Belgium or an independent Flanders would have been the result of a different victory in WWI. Just a headsup as Belgian nationalist
Man, I wish I knew, but its thanks to the crazy kaiserreich developers that we even have that -
If I understand it it's a bit like a personal union betzen flanders and wallonia is quasi independent entities. That would be realistic then althought I think it would have been 2 puppets but offfcourse for games that becomes very tiny xd
Requesting this thread be deleted entirely by the staff.
Thread closed and moved to Archive.
Closed the thread. -
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