So im playing as Netherlands in the All countries-All in event. I have noticed something weird. It happened to all other minor nation's flags as well. Often the flags of the minor nations were switched around. My nation,for example,had a swiss flag,even though it was Netherlands.

Minor nation flag bug
Here is a screenshot.
It happened with other nations too. If i remember correctly,Rumania had a serbian flag,Switzerland had a Portuguese flag,Albania had a Dutch flag,and so on.
It did not happen to the higher end of minor nations,like Sweden,Norway,or Greece,or major nations like Russia,France or Italy.
yeah they know about that
flags are moved +1
so your flag is somewhere else ie, belgium, then someone else has a belgium flag and so one
every small nation has flags moved. I made a topic about that how they were moved but cannot find it now.
Known issue indeed, this is being resolved