[S1914] Release Notes - 2021-06-08

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    • The province list was improved according to player feedback.
      • The province list now remembers its adjusted position and size when the game is closed and reopened again.
      • The province list can now be moved to the right edge of the screen, where it is displayed in front of any other element.
      • Listings of the same building type are now displayed underneath each other in the same column.
      • Sorting buttons have been added at the top of the building list.
      • The morale is now also displayed as a percentage number below the moral bar.
      • Icons for the morale trend and revolt chance were added to the morale column of the province list.
      • The map region filter was added to the list again, allowing you to only show provinces of a certain region.
      • Active rally point icons are displayed if a rally point is set.
      • Double resource icons are displayed in the province list again.
      • The performance of the list has been improved when a larger number of provinces are displayed, resulting in considerably less lag while opened.
    • When zooming out on the map, the army labels will now shrink to a considerably smaller size before switching to their minimalistic version on the lowest zoom levels. The general position of the label in relation to the 3D unit models has also been moved slightly
    • The color of player held provinces has been adjusted to a brighter green tone in order to make it stand out more against territory controlled by allies and other players.
    • Upon opening your first rewarded ad after the update, a popup will open, asking you if you’d like to be shown personalized advertisement videos. You will be able to use the Free Gold for Ads feature regardless of your decision, but the displayed advertisements can be adjusted to show content that might be of more interest to you. The popup will not open again after a decision has been made.

    Bug fixes:

    • An issue on Android devices was resolved that caused the keyboard to overlay certain areas of the app making it hard to create offers on the Stock Market, write diplomatic messages, or participate in chat.
  • "

    • When zooming out on the map, the army labels will now shrink to a considerably smaller size before switching to their minimalistic version on the lowest zoom levels. The general position of the label in relation to the 3D unit models has also been moved slightly "

    Is there a way to get larger army labels back?
    Or let us adjust the size the way we want.

  • My feelings are mixed about the smaller army labels.

    • On one hand, the smaller labels is more taxing on the eyes (more difficult to see the troops number), which is a downside. I don't think it's a matter of not getting used to it, because I have been playing with the smaller labels on a Frontline map for several days before today's update and still cannot get used to it.
    • On the other hand, I do think that the smaller labels can reduce the confusion when there are many units cluttered together. But units cluttering is not a common occurrence in typical gameplay.

    In sum, I think this change greatly improves gameplay in relatively rare situations at the expense of slightly degrading gameplay in most other situations. Therefore, I agree with the suggestion to allow users to adjust the size of the labels.

    On another note, I also want to suggest that more to be done to promote Frontline pioneer games (I see that others have also suggested this elsewhere on this forum). I suspect that a lot of the bugs were undetected in the frontline games because there are too little players. For examples:

    • I seldom end up getting to use planes on Frontline maps (because I tend to retire on Frontline maps as players go inactive). Maybe that's why the 'invisible planes' issue that accompanies this update didn't get picked up?
    • Frontline maps are usually small maps with little players. Maybe thats why the lag that accompanies the new province administration menu 2-3 weeks ago wasn't detected?

    As for the change in the shade of green, I prefer the older shade of green, but I guess this change is something I can get used to, so it's not a big deal to me. I don't quite get the point of this change though. Personally, I never had any problems differentiating my provinces from those that belong to my ally/neutral/enemy.

    On a more positive note, I think the province administration menu works very well now.

    Any sufficiently advanced tactic is indistinguishable from magic to the uninitiated.

    Edited 2 times, last by ScaredyCat: Edit to add another comment about the change in the shade of green ().

  • Indeed, the functioning has improved, many provinces can be chosen more quickly. It still seems to me that the circle that marks progress in unit recruitment is irrelevant and attracts nonsensical attention, but that does not influence how important it is to efficiently manage the map and its resources.

    I would like if you can review, what makes the troops travel the segments of the map from one end to the other, deviating from the programmed route, this delays the routes and in many cases has led me to lose units that deviate and take longer, even exposing himself to the enemy. This error now does it without being shown, so when one sends to some place on the map it turns out that it is found when opening the map again with the armies going to places where they were not sent.

    Also, they tell me that planes disappear, although I did not happen. It will be that I do not use them very often. But if soldiers appear to me in strange places when I divide the armies, generally half an hour away.

    greetings and thanks

  • "

    • When zooming out on the map, the army labels will now shrink to a considerably smaller size before switching to their minimalistic version on the lowest zoom levels. The general position of the label in relation to the 3D unit models has also been moved slightly "

    Is there a way to get larger army labels back?
    Or let us adjust the size the way we want.

    maybe a big/small/medium selector ?

    All is fair in love and war

  • Hey, making every element in the game adjustable is not within the scope right now, sorry. We therefore have to carefully select and tweak the game to find the most common denominator between most users. Yesterday's changes were based on frequent requests. We know that they won't please everyone but I hope that they in general improved the game for most players.

    The big size of the army labels was very often criticized so we listened and made them smaller. In S1914 it is actually not that uncommon to have crowded areas on the map. You can still zoom in to read the numbers properly. There is also a bug that on mid zoom levels the unit icons became too small and blurry, we will fix that soon.

    The lighter green color is to help especially newer players to orient themselves on the map as we often saw less experienced players struggling with spotting their own territory next to allied territories for example. In the low graphics mode the color became too bright though by accident, in that mode we will make it a bit darker again in the next update probably.

    I hope that also all the province list changes are pleasing to most players, they all stem from player suggestions. I also hope that this once again shows that we indeed read all your feedback and try to incorporate it when possible.

    More improvements based on feedback are still lined up for future updates.

  • The lighter green color is to help especially newer players to orient themselves on the map as we often saw less experienced players struggling with spotting their own territory next to allied territories for example. In the low graphics mode the color became too bright though by accident, in that mode we will make it a bit darker again in the next update probably.

    Oh, maybe its due to color blindness.. but if so, i am not sure if changing the shade is sufficient. for example, those with 'protanopia' (see pic below; need to click to expand) may have difficulties differentiating light green (own province) from red (enemy province).


    Any sufficiently advanced tactic is indistinguishable from magic to the uninitiated.

  • still big issues- now i have huge problems with playing 500 maps olders than 100 days. there are armies counted ins hundreds of millions and servers keep crashing or lagging at best at every action

    not sure why but strange situation happen like here: i choose armies in france and not sure why armies from caucasus and from baltic states start to move too

    this completely mu game schedule as now instead of making quick gathering of armies in france that normally took 5 sec in legacy I will have to stop all armies coming in the west and move them to older locations. but first I need to find them all in laggy and unresponsive server. 30 minutes lost at least. Happened couple of times in a row as part of code decides to choose planes from other side of the map.

    I also noticed that while i tried to move armies from uk, france, germany i got kicked every single time. that is 10 kicks from a game in 3 minutes. way to often.

    can you do changes that allow to play those big maps and which do not cause situations that waste dozens of playhours per week due to server misbehavior?


  • More improvements based on feedback are still lined up for future updates.

    Thank you, I wrote many times about what happened to me in the game in Spanish and I felt that I was not heard, now I am communicating in English (with google translations, because I do not speak English) and if I see that they read and respond.

    If I was too hard on you, I apologize.

    I have the recurring problem, that the troops travel the segments of the map from one extreme to the other, when they arrive at the intersection of the provinces and even when they change from one province to another, they return they lose time, deviate from their path, and even they stamp with other armies unexpectedly.

    I have also noticed that some orders are not saved when I close the game, for example, he changes the shooting control and when I open the game this change is no longer there, or I moved to group and when I return that is not happening.

    Before that happened when one did not give time to the connection, but now it shows me the order, it tells me the travel time, for example, then I no longer know how to tell if an order remained on the server, or not ...

    Thank you so much


  • I have the recurring problem, that the troops travel the segments of the map from one extreme to the other, when they arrive at the intersection of the provinces and even when they change from one province to another, they return they lose time, deviate from their path, and even they stamp with other armies unexpectedly.

    I have been experiencing this same problem since some time back. I am still experiencing this on a daily basis.

    Any sufficiently advanced tactic is indistinguishable from magic to the uninitiated.

  • I have been experiencing this same problem since some time back. I am still experiencing this on a daily basis.

    We're investigating an issue with the pathfinding right now. From what I can tell it doesn't happen very frequently as not very many players ever reported it. Either way, we're on it.

  • I can only speak for myself here: i didnt report this issue before this because I thought this was a common and well-known bug. For example, it was recently mentioned in the legacy feedback thread (by Golden buddha), and also in the bug forum back in May 2020 (automatic movement bug)

    Any sufficiently advanced tactic is indistinguishable from magic to the uninitiated.

  • in general the more units you have on the map- the more mistakes and denial of service actions server does

    i still do not know why selecting 3 units in canada picked also 1 unit in UK

    or why selecting arts in france picked up planes in russia

    also not sure why on random fire mods switch off

    and why selecting units in syberia shows me description of the fleet in the pacific

    I am more than sure those are server problems and when server is overwhelmed it starts to mix things before it stops responding. in worst case scenario it will kick you out of map couple of times in 5 minutes

  • Another issue is the behavior of the AIs, they have given way to me three times, and when I send troops through, they take it away from me and I go to war. There is nothing interesting to fight against the machine, it is just a nuisance, at least they should be more stable.