good luck to all

🌍🏆 Supremacy 1914 World Cup Championship: Rules & Application
I also noticed that no one in my map knows how to play asymmetric war with much bigger/stronger enemies
ie. fighting 4 countries against our 2 I was forced to keep at bay enemy in couple of choke points while 80% army was diverted to conquering bots so we can get money and resources for the next days of fighting
even my ally does not understand this approach fully and he wants to clash in buffer zone - I explained him we cannot afford such a exchange if we want to win
is it the same in your maps guys? I must say that level of understanding of the game has being drastically reduced since 2012 when I last played similar tournament and it looks that people understand one thing: person more active with S&S will win. And probably most of you know this is not true if you know how to play this game.
Are we allowed to gift our troops when we are surrounded by enemy to other players? Because that is what happened in our game. Italy gifted 8 arcs and few cavs to Sweden. This will make Sweden super strong and it will be very difficult for others to catchup. 8 arcs is a huge amount on a game of 10 players and provides a cutting edge to Sweden.
This seems like an unfair strategy to me.
well this means that italy and sweden are below average skills and should not participate in this tournament in the first place
I also noticed that no one in my map knows how to play asymmetric war with much bigger/stronger enemies
ie. fighting 4 countries against our 2 I was forced to keep at bay enemy in couple of choke points while 80% army was diverted to conquering bots so we can get money and resources for the next days of fighting
even my ally does not understand this approach fully and he wants to clash in buffer zone - I explained him we cannot afford such a exchange if we want to win
is it the same in your maps guys? I must say that level of understanding of the game has being drastically reduced since 2012 when I last played similar tournament and it looks that people understand one thing: person more active with S&S will win. And probably most of you know this is not true if you know how to play this game.
In my map only 4 out of 10 are experienced players, currently fighting against the 2 i think will go through the next map
I think it's the idea of this tournament and any tournament that it filters out the more experienced players by the end of it
hmm so we have this 4 guys attacking (me) spain and france
I guess they are attacking since the last week. we created steady defence in germany and italy for my friend . We also have unsinkable battleship in Asia Minor for steady S&S in constantinopole. BBS Asia Minor is changing into USS Asia MInor with planes attacking whole russian balkans. While in a joint effort yesterday we cut in half AH delivering Coup de Grâce into undefended Ukraine. Good fun for us but probably not so much for our enemies . I hope they learned thing or two about the game itself. That it is not about numbers or sitting longer, but about thinking.
Game 2653501 (game 7), I accidentally clicked to decrease morale on Nicosia when I was trying to remove some spies.
What happens to me all the time is that the window scrolls up automatically and I have to scroll down again every 2 seconds to remove one spy. So when I click 2 times it clicks on the gold use (2000 gold) because the window moved.
Kind Regards
Game 2653501 (game 7), I accidentally clicked to decrease morale on Nicosia when I was trying to remove some spies.
What happens to me all the time is that the window scrolls up automatically and I have to scroll down again every 2 seconds to remove one spy. So when I click 2 times it clicks on the gold use (2000 gold) because the window moved.
Kind Regards
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Got a question about fair play here
we have this policy to allow frirndpacks of 20 to play maps and win maps
I wanted to do the same on my map- I have an ally who stood always on my side but he is 3rd on the map. I want to make him second. Without wasting to much time I would like to conquer our opponents ASAP but this means I will get 100 points while he is stuck on the 3rd place
My solution was to allow him to take over his former provinces + give him some spare ones that are closer to him than to me. Map is already won and I will make sure he is second but this more real time wasted on sitting an waiting for him to take empty provinces of enemy...
I know that Sweden on the second place still hopes for win but it is not gonna happen as long as I am on the map. So do I have permission to give provinces to my ally in 5 minutes war?
edit- no answer, then I take it for granted I can do it
List of championship games:
#11 2653521
#10 2653520
#9 2653516
#8 2653506
#7 2653501
#6 2653492
#5 2653485
I was not going below number : 2653390
not sure what happened to other 4 games - either finished, below 2653390 or above 2653530
update when you find them
edit- no answer, then I take it for granted I can do it
How fast do you expect people to answer? If you got no answer and they rule it was cheating you'll just be excluded from the tournament... So may I advice you to await respons and wait a bit longer?
Narmer - do not get me wrong but every hour you hesitate to give answer I have to allow my enemies to grow in strength
TBH I was expecting to hear that case was noted and is under review and I can expect answer at xxx time.
I want to give him around 12 provinces
can we set a deadline for the answer? I have 100 provinces ( 900 points) and I am hitting 1000 points in 1 day which I do not want to do with not fulfilling my part of agreement to my ally. Right now I am forced to stop whole offensive and lower morale of my country by creating artificial shortages of resources. As you see time is of essence and I would be grateful if you can spare my real time. While you are debating enemy is recreating army and I will lose additional 2-3 days of real time to finish their armies once more...
I remember from law studies that law does not work back... I do not see any rule forbidding giving provinces to an ally right now but as a polite person I asked first.
List of championship games:
#11 2653521
#10 2653520
#9 2653516
#8 2653506
#7 2653501
#6 2653492
#5 2653485
I was not going below number : 2653390
not sure what happened to other 4 games - either finished, below 2653390 or above 2653530
update when you find them
Games missing are:
Game 1: 2652338
Game 2: 2652341
Game 3: 2652343
Game 4: 2652346
Game 12: 2654400
Game 13: 2654744
They have all finished except for game 12.
Narmer - do not get me wrong but every hour you hesitate to give answer I have to allow my enemies to grow in strength
TBH I was expecting to hear that case was noted and is under review and I can expect answer at xxx time.
I want to give him around 12 provinces
answer is not needed any more, we placed my ally on the second place
however I must admit I was expecting quicker resolution of my issue.
it would be also useful to think about guys who are donating their entire resources and mech armies to others as sometimes it is looking more like the championship for the most popular person - Miss Supremacy
Narmer - do not get me wrong but every hour you hesitate to give answer I have to allow my enemies to grow in strength
TBH I was expecting to hear that case was noted and is under review and I can expect answer at xxx time.
I want to give him around 12 provinces
Don't get me wrong... I have nothing to do with this tournament so I CANT answer. You also seem to forget this tournament and the entire EN crew (or any crew) is set up by volunteers. And when working with volunteers respond times can be rather high. If you take actions on your own behalf and they'd rule it was cheating you will as stated be excluded regardless of position. But that is also something I can't decide as I have nothing to do with this tournament.
Alright, seemed to me like you are part of a crew.
we did it normal way by conquering capital of enemy to make sure opponent is weaker than my friend
Alright, seemed to me like you are part of a crew.
we did it normal way by conquering capital of enemy to make sure opponent is weaker than my friend
Your conspiracy theory was investigated and proved to be untrue, which is why we didn't respond.
Your conspiracy theory was investigated and proved to be untrue, which is why we didn't respond.
what would have happened to me and my ally if I had given 12 provinces to my ally by 'fake war' without organizers giving us any answers to our question?
I don't think this is something you can actually ban.. It doesn't go against the game or the tornament rules.
In a normal game, it's allowed to give away everything you have if you decide to leave the game, so I can't see why it should be any different. If you try to add rules to prevent this, people will just find ways around it.
In my game for example, I had my neighbour give away some of his provinces to his ally and the rest to someone else.. Gave right of way, other planted troops on top of empty provinces, declared war and then back to peace.. In the meantime, I still had to fight all his troops. I'm not denouncing or blaming this player, I honestly think you should just let players get on with it.