I would appreciate your application for Ottomans more, as they are more significant geostrategic player for this game... Still, I can take you in as Egypt. Every player counts.

RP 1701 *no landshuffle*no discord*good fun*
- Josef II von Habsburg
- Closed
The time has come. The manacles will be broken. No longer will the prosperity of the people be ignored, no longer will the Grand Vizor ignore our plight. It is time for the Intifada.
There was once a time when Egypt was a nation to be reckoned with. The mighty pyramids represented something powerful- they represent the might of the Pharaohs. Across the Arab world, the mention of a Pharaoh would cause fear. They were almighty. Further afield they were known. Across the plains of Africa, tribes paid homage to the omniscient and omnipotent Pharaohs, and across the Medittarian the Roman Empire held great respect for the Egyptian Empire- till we fell. Like a hammer on an anvil, the spark was alive. Slaves rose up, the Romans invaded and the Arab princes of Syria rode into Sinai proclaiming their rule. That was a sad day.
Ever since then we have fought with hardship after hardship. The Romans were just the beginning. And now that hardship, that enemy, is the Ottoman Empire. Our people live in poverty, and that is something that the Egyptians of Old will not allow.
First came the boycotts. Workers dropped their sickles, scribes tore their papyrus parchments. The Nile was blocked by boats, and the streets of Cairo were filled with children, having been released from school. Then came the rioting. Ottoman legislative buildings were burnt, Ottoman overseers were strung up in trees. Every night would yield another angry mob at the doors of the Grand Vizor’s estate, and every night more were killed. This could not carry on forever though. More and more soldiers would arrive and more and more Egyptian patriots would die. We needed organisation- and that was what we got.
Under one man, the nobility rose up and lead the way. No-one really knew for sure who that man was to begin with. Some say he was a simple shepherd, and some say he was an Ethiopian warlord. Such are rumours. What we knew was that he was someone to follow. People called him Menkauhor. Whether that was his real name, who knows. But it was the name that rallied us. With Menkauhor the Egyptian lords and great merchants marched, with all their private armies and slaves. People from villages and towns joined them in a bid to get freedom. Hitting city after city, town after town the army marched, destroying all signs of Ottoman occupation. After Bahariya was taken they turned their gaze of rebellion towards Cairo. However, The Grand Vizor was not unprepared. All remaining Ottoman forces in the North and in Sinai were collated into a vast detachment, living on the doorstep of Cairo. It was the make or break moment. Should the Grand Vizor put down this rebellion then all hope was lost- but should Menkauhor and his lords defeat this Ottoman manifestation then Egypt would never be the same again.
And so Mankauhor and his legion of Egypt approached. They numbered 25,000 with hundreds of physicians and scholars in tow, and the Ottoman army numbered similar to that. And so the arena was set. It was the chance for this mystical man to prove his worth to rule Egypt- all he had to do was defeat the Grand Vizor and his general. The Great Battle of Awsim it would be known by for centuries after. That battle would define Egyptian history.
The first skirmish with the Ottomans took place on the outer walls. They reached them quickly, and wild cries broke out, there were some clashes of arms, but it was brief. The Ottomans about these walls were few, and they were slain quickly. Two miles further before the host then reached the Northern gate that led into the plains around Cairo- Menhauhor drew up on his camel and his personal battalion also drew up around him and about him. Lord Ziyad kept close to the leader, though his detachments were way on the right. The chieftain Amenemhet turned aside and passed with his forces round to a great gap in the wall to peer eastward. Far away they could see a great burning- was the city alight? Between them and the burning was a great dark crescent. They could make out not much of the dark plain ahead of them- dark clouds covered the sun.
Now silently the host of Menkauhor moved forward into the plains of Cairo, pouring in slowly but steadily, like the rising tide through breaches in a dyke that men thought secure. After a while Menkauhor led his men somewhat eastward, to come nearer to the city. Still, they were unchallenged and still, he gave no signal. The city of Cairo was nearer. A smell of burning and of death was in the air- what had the Grand Vizor done? The soldier’s mounts were uneasy. Time seemed poised in uncertainty. Menkauhor sat on his great steed at the front of the host and looked on. Then, at last, the host felt it, beyond doubt: a change. A wind blew, and light cracked through the clouds onto the burning city. At that Menkauhor turned to face his followers.
He called out into the wind, his voice barely audible to each and every one of them- but they heard it.
“Now my people, now we fight! Fire and slaughter await us, but we will overcome the final barrier! Our spears shall be shaken, our shields splintered! It is indeed a red day, but the sun rises! Ride now, sons of Egypt!”
With that, he seized a great horn from his steed and he blew such a blast that the tormented people of Cairo heard it and had hope. And from that every other trumpet and horn throughout the host of freedom fighters was blown- then they charged towards the Ottoman army, with the glint of freedom in their eyes. Menkauhor led that charge, his dark hair flowing back behind him, his sceptre raised. The tremors were felt by the Ottomans and they quivered, fear now in their minds. The people inside the burning city of Cairo grew stronger and stronger, and they abandoned the fires and began pouring out behind the Ottoman army, armed with whatever they could.
And then the Ottomans learnt why it was dangerous to imprison the Sons of Egypt.
Egypt was free.
I agree with all the rules of the rp, and I apply for Egypt.
This should kick start the Egyptian storyline nicely. Haven't written an article since Vicky III though, so sorry if it is a little in-conjunct.
Also does S1914 now look like a hideous mixture of CoN and CoW???
Sigmar accepted as Egypt. Game is up and running, we still have open slots for players!
I'm having difficulty changing my in game name. I was able to change the portrait and the correct ensign for 1701. However the name keeps reverting back to my user name when using legacy mode.
I am part of the front line pioneers which means I am running the beta for the new interface. Currently that does not allow you change the player name. I think this is why I can't change the name.
I'm having difficulty changing my in game name. I was able to change the portrait and the correct ensign for 1701. However the name keeps reverting back to my user name when using legacy mode.
I am part of the front line pioneers which means I am running the beta for the new interface. Currently that does not allow you change the player name. I think this is why I can't change the name.
Old interface is to my knowledge still bugged too. Temporary issue is what is told to me
Is it just me or did I all of a sudden loose the "18th century feeling"? : (
Is it just me or did I all of a sudden loose the "18th century feeling"? : (
Graphics update I'm guessing that you mean?
there is also a legacy mode for the comming months
Excellent, we only need Ottomans and France to join us. I'll be opening Franc to otehr players now.
Keep up with the good work guys
It is only day 11, we are still at opening stages of the game. Lands are there to conquer, armies to be build up. If someone is inteerstd in joining as France or Ottomans now is the chance.
I assume that only after period of time real action will start when RPers will have to contest for power on the map...
Moderatoral Note:
With the new forum and the implemented 'Active archive policy' It is decided that onces RP ends they are moved to archives, However I realize you guys also want to easily retrieve past RP's, therefor a list of Roleplays has been created and I'm happy to announce this is the 1st RP added to it:
Roleplaying, All you need to knowDo note that this is NOT a scedualing list just a listing of all running, recruiting and archived RP's of the EN server.
I would love to join in as France please, im Intelmax from long ago. I can post a sample if required.
Intel hi! Good to see you. Everybody have applied here with a sample, and I have to insist.
To the People of the Roleplay Forum: Ottomans and Poland are open to join!
Hey Josef I would like to be on this roleplay, but I dont know if I will be active, because I will move on a new house. Should I join now or should I wait..?
Apply of course. It is an easy-going RP. But I would like to see a sample from you, and for what country are you applaying. We have Ottomans and France available, possibly also Poland if that would be your preference.
Can u give me a backstory of each country?
Nope, that up to you.
OK , what year is it in game?
Warsaw 1701
Europe is a big mess because of the wars that been caused the last few years. All kingdoms in Europe are struggling to gain power. Especially, the kingdom of Poland tried very hard to succeed that goal, but it's strong neighbors, namely Russia, Prussia and the united kingdom of Austria-Hungary made it very hard for them. Now the kingdom of Poland will try to gain some influence over the newly elected King of Poland, Augustus II. He, however, is not willing to listen to his powerful neighbors. Instead of playing a role of a puppet on a string, he will transform his kingdom into a massive superpower. First he will reinforce army unites in the borders for the highly security of the nation, then he will reform the country by creating Libraries and public museums for the first time. , as well as attempts to reform the Warsaw and to abolish the liberum veto.
"Now our neighbors will learn that this king and this kingdom is here to stay and we are not willing to betray our own nation."
"Long live the king Augustus II king of Poland".
I Apply for Poland and I agree with the rules.
terzanidis, you're accepted. I assume you would take the position of Poland? We are in 1711 at the moment, you havn't missed too much. Do not worry, I'll update you shortly in private message.