[S1914] Discontinuing Support for “Legacy Mode”

  • I would say that Bytro doesn't want competitive gaming

    they do not prefer skilled players as skilled player can massacre 496 other players on 500 map and win single handed. this is not how you do a good business as people simply run of the map or fill lots of reports about cheating with scripts ... whatever. if you do not understand game mechanic - everything will be a cheat

    point is that since introduction of HNR focus was on activity vs GMs as activity is generating more GMs than skilled players and causes less tickets and tensions on maps. This is why we do not have any mechanics to protect our troops during afk against HNR.

    As such Revamp is also harder to use by skilled players ... it doesn't allow precise calculations and troops movement. so removing legacy will get rid of the rest of us. simple as that.

    Time to change game mates

    Good Fight

    Good night

  • tbh I havent met a good player since 2017 so i guess all pro-players have already left. And even that single individual was the first instance of a good player since 2015. I see only HNR lvl 1 - the most basic strategy. very disappointing.

    thing is no one knows about existence of exploits who knows don't want tell others to maintain their supremacy and who try find is either crushed or not get a good guidance to find them (so knowledge remains limited).I know the level of player which you are finding and I believe that it gonna be very hard for you to find that kind of player as you know what kind of players we have now a days (refrence to the recent maps) and staff is being very supportive.

  • Revamp is also harder to use by skilled players ... it doesn't allow precise calculations and troops movement. so removing legacy will get rid of the rest of us. simple as that.

    ahh revamp is very messy and harmful for processor (currently) but I have observed they are working on it(worse than I expected). Graphic level is reduced sea route dots are back(not effectively) well hope so they will consider our reviews on revamp and work on it (maybe by 2025 or later).

    I would say that Bytro doesn't want competitive gaming

    they do not prefer skilled players as skilled player can massacre 496 other players on 500 map and win single handed. this is not how you do a good business as people simply run of the map or fill lots of reports about cheating with scripts ... whatever. if you do not understand game mechanic - everything will be a cheat

    point is that since introduction of HNR focus was on activity vs GMs as activity is generating more GMs than skilled players and causes less tickets and tensions on maps. This is why we do not have any mechanics to protect our troops during afk against HNR.

    well you know if you are dominating and encounter a whale so he/she will throw a good amount of gm to crush more gm =more money for bytro= more whale friendly/pay2win rules= frustrated and angery players =mass quit

    And u know how to counter HnR don't you?

    So removing legacy will get rid of the rest of us. simple as that.

    Time to change game mates

    Good luck have fun

  • If "well it makes them more money" is considered a good argument in every single possible situation, Bytro should not be a gaming company. They should be moving stocks, investing in real estate or coming up with a pyramid scheme.

  • I am a 'newer' player myself here so I dont have access to legacy.

    I have been reading through the comments made here, and I do agree that the revamp mode has a lot of problems and I get frustrated with this from time to time (especially the laggy parts)

    But I do want to point out, that moving everyone to a mode with the same options is a lot more fair. I see these features from legacy, and am jalous about that. But me not having it versus others I am playing against does give others an unfair advantage.

    I'm not saying that this would be a reason to remove legacy (another option would be to give others access to legacy too) but this does make it a more level playing field.

  • Ive been around for sometime and use legacy only lol. Yet its true lots of old players are gone or only online every now and then for just one game or so.

    Havent played a lot my self either the past 2 years or so though im still here and still playing..

    Still like the game. Besides the diffrences between legacy and not.. its the player that wins not the diffrence in versions

    Good players will still win as easy in either version.

    Legacy does not have much advantages besides, to me, nicer view and offcourse beeing used to it

  • point is that since introduction of HNR focus was on activity vs GMs as activity is generating more GMs than skilled players and causes less tickets and tensions on maps. This is why we do not have any mechanics to protect our troops during afk against HNR.

    Hit and Run or Shoot and Scoot or whatever you want to call it was never "introduced", its a side effect of the server tick(update) rate and has been a thing since I started playing back in 2010.

    I dunno the exact numbers or steps, but lets say the server runs a check on every army in every game (This is waaay simplified):

    Does it have an artillery unit in it?
    If Yes, is there an enemy army in range?
    If Yes, has it been more than an hour since the last shot?
    If yes, pew pew time.

    For sake of ease, let's pretend there are only 100,000 armies in the current games so its doing this query 100,000 times a minute.

    Now, the server does this lets say every minute, so you have a window of a minute to run in, manually shoot, and run away.

    If you want to reduce the shoot and scoot window down to 30 seconds, you have to double the server update rate from every 60 seconds to 30 seconds. That'll be 100,000 queries every 30 seconds now, so 200,000 every minute. Effectively doubling it.

    Do it again, lets say we want only 15 seconds, thats 100,000 queries every 15 seconds, or 400,000 every minute.

    An update every 7.5 seconds, which is still enough time for someone to shoot and scoot somewhat reliably more often than not, thats 100,000 queries every 7.5 seconds, 800,000 a minute.

    And if we want to bring it down to 3.75 seconds which would likely be where you reach the point where shoot and scoot starts to fail more than it succeeds, you have to again keep doubling the update rate and at this point it'll be 1,600,000 queries a minute, from the initial 100,000.

    That is an increase of x16. And it sounds easy to implement, and it is relatively easy to implement, but it basically means you have to increase your server costs by 16 times to keep up with the increased cpu calculations for all these additional queries which is incredibly expensive to say the least. The costs of throwing money at the problem of Shoot and Scoot would probably outstrip the entire gross revenue of S1914 on its own.

  • Now, the server does this lets say every minute, so you have a window of a minute to run in, manually shoot, and run away.

    If you want to reduce the shoot and scoot window down to 30 seconds, you have to double the server update rate from every 60 seconds to 30 seconds. That'll be 100,000 queries every 30 seconds now, so 200,000 every minute. Effectively doubling it.

    I kinda disaggree with this the server could check if the enemy army "on shoot command" has arty (or other ranged units) to retaliate and automatically issue a retaliate decision. This would not need to be looped it should just get a flag "if they fired on me.... then I must have been in range to fire back"...

    ex - EN Senior Moderator

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