Game mechanics update - Feedback Thread

  • Also, morale should have NO EFFECT whatsoever on the building time of units. If you seize new territory, new construction and repairs of buildings would conceivably take longer, but if you seize a working factory you could crank out cars and tanks the same as the day before you walked in.

    The province morale is low because the population doesn't like you. Who's supposed to work at the factories and drive the armored cars if 75% of the population holds you in contempt?

    The problem isn't whether the working factories work at speed, it's the amount of damage done to captured buildings during the capture. An empty level 3 fortress that disappears when captured just wastes everyone's time.

  • Hello,

    I am a returning old-time player (from before the graphic upgrade) and I admit I kinda like the current game changes. There are only two things I noted so far, that were somewhat already mentioned:

    1. One one hand I like the idea of baloons beeing able to detect subs, on the other maybe they should not be able to detect stealth while moving(similarly to airplane land transport)? Same could be said about the view range extension.

    2. I also agree with my predecessors, that the morale (as it works now) can be quite punishing, especially when trying to win solo. There was an idea of church/militia/alms house/anything of the sort building, that would increase province morale (eg. build with 2k wood, upkeep with food). If that could give ~10% morale bonus it would be great (per level?). Alternatively some of the already proposed tweaks would be great. I do not mind having the ability for my empire to collapse if I manage it poorly but I played ~3 games since I returned to the game and I am already noticing a clear need to stop expansion until I upgrade vast parts of my country without feeling that I can counter it effectively with building planning (7157056 - day 9).

    EDIT: In Call of War ther is a unpgradable propaganda office, granting 10% morale. I think that even without the ability to upgrade this, having this building in S1914 would give an option to combat the morale drop, providing that wood would be available. And since it's available in the game engine the change might cost less effort from the development side.

    Edited once, last by VonHaze: I realized I missed one important aforementioned point. ().

  • I wrote a lengthy response to the expansion penalty comments - did it get disallowed?

    Either way - my simple response.

    I have won my last 4 games as the dominant player (3x solo wins, 1x coalition). 3 of them since the expansion penalty was introduced.

    All I do now is build frickin fortresses - and then if I get enough wood - I build railways as well.

    About 12 hours per week I get to build weapons. Then I attack someone for 12 hours to create some movement in my points score. Then I go back to building fortresses and railways for another 5 days. Repeat.

    Its become a very boring building simulator. I usually have defeated the significant opposition by the 10-14th day.

    After that's it usually 4x weeks of building forts and railways.

    C'mon!! It's killing the game!

    In my last letter which took me 2 hours to compose after many re-edits - I suggested creating a "stabilisation" +modifier to reduce the impact of expansion penalty on existing territories. Perhaps this idea is why my posts were not posted here?

    This would still slow down the leading player by a week for every time he took territory (time it takes to re-stabilise morale once the expansion penalty really starts to bite at around 15-20pts). But it would mean that territories that had been well developed in response to the expansion penalty would reflect the "stabilisation" of their population. Therefore instead of paralysing the leading player for 4-6 weeks, the penalty would slow them down enough to give others chance to become competitive. Currently I'm unable to both build weaponry and stabilise morale. if I had any stiff competition that was attacking me in that situation, I would have to pick between not-building weaponry (maybe lose war) or allowing a morale-death spiral to take hold (probably lose the game). Luckily by the time the expansion penalty has taken hold I have taken out all serious competition. But truly once the expansion penalty takes hold I feel castrated as a player.

    Surely the purpose of the expansion penalty is to slow down steam-rolling early achievers (especially those that achieve a fast start using gold mark (damn their eyes!)) - surely the purpose should not be to paralyse successful skilful players to the point that the game barely functions beyond a building sim (that is my experience from the last couple of months)

  • I would like to reiterate another poster's comment that expansion penalty+distance penalty should penalise poorly managed morale.

    It is also valid that it tries to slow down run away dominant players, especially those who get an early start and can never be caught as a result. I think the idea behind the expansion penalty is a good one.

    But it is a curse to any solo player. It castrates talented, successful solo players.

    It needs to be moderated to work more fairly in it penalising of solo players.

    Coalitions already have an advantage because they dont need to individually conquer as much territory.

    But the expansion penalty is destroying the game of good, naturally dominant solo players because of how it is designed.

    And this shouldn't be the case. Because to win and dominate as a solo player (without using GM) takes a vastly higher amount of skill than to win as a coalition member.

    This imbalance needs to be fixed.

  • Just finished a game, in coalition. the shattered America. I had 237 provinces, built 622 buildings (!), had an average morale of 92%. At least 148 of them were railroads. My economic production was over a million. So after all that building, I have 632 points. I even moved my Capitol to a central location. My other team players had 208 provinces/623 points and other with 95 provinces/274 points. There are 702 provinces, so we took 77% of the whole game and built like crazy.

    We were barely able to get to the 1500 points. It seems like too much to ask. It was easier before, as I have been able to win solo, but there is no way I could possibly get 1000 points by myself. Is anybody else noticing a change thus?

  • I agree with you totally. Winning solo is just not an option anymore which is very sad. And last week in a coalition victory is often just a long wait. The map is won since many days, the enemy has given up and left and still you need to be building like hell to reach the 1500 points, especially if a couple of your allies don´t give a shit. In many maps my allies goes inactive before we win because they don´t have the patience to wait. I don´t like this at all.

    And I know what I´m talking about, I have 51 victories in 67 games played. 33 of these have been solo victories.

  • Just honest-to-god observations here:

    Making building times depend on morale is not the most far-fetched thing in the world I suppose, but I think we all know of a certain thing that can be used to lower someone else's province morale and that thus now became more effective and encouraged. What a coincidoink!

    This also applies to the massive buff that cavalry and ACs have recieved, combined with the facts that forts are much less beneficial now until much higher levels - all pumping plenty of spending incentive into the early game, while in the late game it's much harder to not fall apart and instead reward yourself without it even when playing objectively well.

    Pretty undesirable for players in general, but all things considered with these balancing changes, I think that might not have been the point.

  • I would like to see some changes.

    1. Extend the flight distance for planes.

    2. Add Aircraft carriers to assist sea battles and sea to shore attacks.

    3. Make an outright buyable version so people can play against AI only or with people within their own household.

    4. Possible find a way to make an Empire Deluxe, Axis & Allies or WW versions.

    5. Air troop transport or forcing ship troop transport might be good as well.

    6. Maybe make people pay for server access for the pay to play people. Even like myself would consider paying to play against a growing AI. If the price is reasonable and fair. You could charge for game versions as well. Similar to RPG's.

    I don't want to hurt your profits as a company. I'd just like to see fairness and the ability to get the same game play to everyone who might enjoy this game. I'm going to stop here before I get political. I hate politics!

  • Hi, i would sayo something about the last update...

    I love this game for two reason:

    1)It's a good game

    2)It's not a pay to win.

    Now we have only the first point...

    How you all think that this last update it's better of the last settings?

    two or three stupid card is better that a queue production?

    some ridicolus resources is better that attack mode setting troups?
    those who cannot play 10 games at a time are at a disadvantage compared to those who can play fewer

    It's impossible to play.

    you don't even offer a working product.

    It crashes constantly, every three regions you select you have to refresh the browser or reopen the application.

    The territory management menus are simplistic and not sufficient to manage a number of regions greater than 40 or 50 without wasting an hour. An hour which in this case would be lost every day without counting the time needed for the game itself.

    It's a bad, bad update this...

    You have a really risk of lose a lot of players that won't pay for this.

    once these are lost, the number of playable instance will be reduced.

    Already at least 50% of the players in the game are double accounts.

    How will it go now?

    I'm very sorry because the game is good, but now I think it will be the end of it.

    at least I'll stay away from it because it's not playable for me.

    thank you for the nice experience

  • to whom it may concern, im 80 days into a game and when i logged in today i noticed that all the kills from railguns, artys, bombers and ships have been set to zero and when you kill a unit the kills are not registering !!!!!!!!!!! what is going on bytro ??????

  • After returning to this game, I have noticed 2 things:

    1. Morale mechanics have drastically changed, it is hard to know exactly what to do. There seems to be no single point for information about what is in control of Morale. The various tidbits i'm getting out there in the world are incomplete and likely out of date. What I can say for sure, is that the Morale and Influence displayed on the screen bears no resemblance to the final number.

    2. Every province seems to be building +5 forts, AI players included. Does this mean that I need to spend minimum 10k Iron in every province where morale is important to me? Does the rail building add morale if it is disabled?

    3. It is possible to have a healthy country, with no surrounding hostile nations (0 wars, coalition teams around me) and morale will tank; this tanks production; with no production of troops/cash/materiel there is no way to fix the morale. This includes putting 50+ players into the capital city to try and get it to climb into the 90's.

    Please for the love of God, Release The Damn Code. I need a single, up to date, and accurate guide released by the developers which contains ALL relevant data points for morale.

  • You can hover over the morale info (lowercase 'i') and it will tell you the exact factors that affect that province's morale. You canals click on the province to open up all the info on the province and you will see al factors affecting province morale.

    Look through the updates to see how buildings, expansion, neighbors, enemy neighbors, and enemy armies affect morale arithmetically.

    You can know the current morale factors as well as how moves like building infrastructure, raising surrounding morale and eliminating enemy provinces will affect your province morale and be in complete control of it.