AI units teleporting

  • i just declared war against the country(an AI), i checked all the provinces before declaring war, in those that didn't hide troops due to fortress, it had 15 in the city, the moment i declared war and first artys shoot, AI units moved. but this particular unit didn't move like the rest, it teleported way forward

    the bug is triggered when moving the units(my units) that are in front of them, towards the city,

    here an example:

    here's another example:

    Soldiers! don't give yourselves to brutes

    men who despise you, enslave you

    who regiment your lives, tell you what to do

    what to think and what to feel!

    Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle,

    use you as cannon fodder.

    Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men

    machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!

  • Hi,

    it is likely that this was due to a loss of connection:

    1. connection of your client to the server was lost

    2. bombardment of your artillery started

    3. AI infantry started moving out of province towards your artillery, but you did not see this due to lost connection

    4. connection is established again once you gave your infantry a new move command

    5. game state is updated and the infantry position visually "jumped" to the actual position on your end, but in reality it did not teleport.

    Could be that connection issues became more frequent, we will investigate.

  • it is not due to a loss of connection

    if you check the gifs, the game is connected and it even check status and confirms that is connected once before the move is done

    plus, aside of the check status, you can try it yourself

    place the units, start war, let first round of arty hit the enemy, the enemy will get out of the city, move your units towards the province, the enemy AI units will teleport closer to your army

    check your status to see if connected while you try it

    PS: if that would be the case, a loss of connection, all units would move to their position after the first move


    i just declared war against the country(an AI)

    i didn't use the word "just" because microwaves

    Soldiers! don't give yourselves to brutes

    men who despise you, enslave you

    who regiment your lives, tell you what to do

    what to think and what to feel!

    Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle,

    use you as cannon fodder.

    Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men

    machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!

    Edited once, last by nemuritor98 ().

  • Hello,

    I can confirm that there's a problem regarding the movement of some units.

    I already got some screens showing that a unit must have been advanced at a speed far beyond the normal possible movement speed.

    I also got some reports on Skype of trustworthy users stating the same problem.

    My appeal: Could you be so kind to capture the screen as soon as you start a ranged attack and watch the unit movement. If the attacked unit is moved towards your attacking unit at a speed beyond normal, could you take an other screen?

  • The gifs I provided are the answer to your appeal, the units aren't going faster than usual, they are teleporting.

    I'll soon be taking another AI country, I'll try to provide you with more GIFS

    Soldiers! don't give yourselves to brutes

    men who despise you, enslave you

    who regiment your lives, tell you what to do

    what to think and what to feel!

    Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle,

    use you as cannon fodder.

    Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men

    machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!

  • ok works for my own troops as well.....

    arty about to shoot, my inf moving a bit forward.....server time is found left bottom corner

    few seconds later my inf ported to postion it should walk to in like 6 minutes..

    again time included.....

    EDIT: not limited to ai troops only....


    Soldiers! don't give yourselves to brutes

    men who despise you, enslave you

    who regiment your lives, tell you what to do

    what to think and what to feel!

    Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle,

    use you as cannon fodder.

    Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men

    machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!

  • These players are attempting to help the staff...I do not understand this adversarial stance of "you must show proof" this is not first time I have seen this in Forum... 2 of these players are regulars here in forum and very experienced all Bytro staff knows them and has dealt with them many times...

    Why are they being treated as is they are in a court of law and their statements are 'false until proven true' with screen shots and proof of a time clock in the screenshot??? Something is amiss with the adversarial dynamics here...

    Only when all proof is given, then does the standard statement of ...ok we will look into it, come;)


    Embrace your true nature , enjoy games and have fun!

  • These players are attempting to help the staff...I do not understand this adversarial stance of "you must show proof" this is not first time I have seen this in Forum... 2 of these players are regulars here in forum and very experienced all Bytro staff knows them and has dealt with them many times...

    If we gave the wrong impression I would like to in the name of the staff apologize. The thing is actually mainly that a bug report is not valuable without 'evidence' not perse because we don't trust the users. More because it makes us able to reproduce it which is a necessity to fix it. first you need to know what causes the bug. Or we point to the wrong issue because we think we know what happens but that doesn't. printscreens in these cases help a lot in the procedure to fix the issue.

    ex - EN Senior Moderator

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  • I have found this teleporting of AI does not happen when I am firing on 'Bot; City with range units, it only happens when I lock onto the city with Melee units and click attack,(I have done this only with Inf/cav units not with tanks)

    The Melee attack (inf / cav units) seems to be the trigger and this is the the moment of teleportation by AI units.


    Embrace your true nature , enjoy games and have fun!