Dear generals,
we are rapidly approaching the final phase of the S1914 revamp project. Here at Bytro we are very excited for the release already and working hard towards making the new S1914 the most beautiful and functional game we have ever created. If you didn’t board the hype train yet you can get your ticket today: We are releasing the brand new forum to the public and invite you to sign-up and check out all the hints and teasers at the final design of the game we have hidden there.
The new forum is still work-in-progress and the old forum will continue to be reachable until the live release of the revamp later this year. The new forum is a complete fresh start so you need to create a new account for it and we do not port old posts and stats to it. We have, however, re-created some of the most helpful threads - and also updated the game manual. You can find the new forum under this temporary domain:
Together with the forum release we achieve our first major internal milestone for the revamp project where we get a already quite polished version testable on internal alpha servers for testing in the office. We are really happy about the great progress of our production team and can’t wait for releasing it publically to the first external testers.
We will also use the opportunity to remove some old features which do not fit our vision of the game anymore like for instance the alliance warchest or wheel of fortune & blueprints in the current version. The main consequences for running games are:
- We will remove blueprints from the Heavy Tank build costs. The remaining costs stay the same.
- We will make all eligible maps available for internal alliance games and alliance challenges.
- We will set the alliance member limit for all existing and future alliances to 40 members. Larger alliances keep their current members but cannot recruit any new members unless they fall below the 40-member threshold.
At the same time we know that some of you used the removed features and also invested Goldmark into them, so we will try to compensate for that with the following reimbursement:
- We will reimburse all Goldmark donated to the alliance warchest in 2018.
- All users active in 2018 will receive the full replacement value in Goldmark of their unused spin tickets (capped at 100 tickets).
- We will reimburse all Goldmark spent on spin tickets which resulted in blueprints in the last 6 months
The reimbursement will be based on your current spendings and inventory (October 22) but will be rolled out on October 29.
We hope to see you on the new forum and will share further news on the release schedule with the next revamp update.
Your Supremacy 1914 team