How about allowing players to demolish building and getting back a fraction of the resource used to built it? This would allow for a scorch-earth policy when retreating. You can relocate your infrastructure to safer provinces. Will also allow the rebuilding to harbors at a different position in the same province.
Demolish building
The Razed earth policy has, and is still debated. Don't give up hope.
I don't care if we get anything back or not. It's totally worth it for the scorched earth move alone!
yeah I agree engineers were used to demolish infrastructure in the war make it have a demolishen time (like 15min/lvl) though I dont think you should be able to do it instantly a real scorched earth needs planning too but I also think it should got pretty fast nonetheless
I agree it would be a nice feature however, I can also see a new thread with people talking about accidentally hitting the wrong button and demolishing their (insert critical building here) and losing a war because of it.
"Do you really want to demolish the building?"
" You can cancel demolishing the same way as constructing the sooner you do the lesser damage there is done." -
"Do you really want to demolish the building?"
" You can cancel demolishing the same way as constructing the sooner you do the lesser damage there is done."I love you Narmer, you know I do, but honestly, I figure that will happen about the same time as "Do you really want to spend GM for this spy?" happens. LOL
Well there is easy way to demolition your own province when an opponent is attacking you, stop worrying about the precious k/d ratio of FREE inf units and leave defending units there as you go about playing your map... then let the zombie HnR players that bombard your province each battle tick to destroy it completely as they destroy your FREE inf units...
Thank you for reading, now give me a thumbs up for stating the obvious LOL
ONLY because you made me laugh.
to destroy it completely as they destroy your FREE inf units.
depends how much infantry you have to spare I have been at times (mainly the smaller maps) where I can't afford to leave large stacks of infantry behind just so that the enemy destroys it
Was also thinking maybe there can be 2 types of demolition:
1. A fast demolition where all resources invested to build the infrastructure would be lost (good when the enemy is near)
2. A slow demolition where you get back some resources (good when you've got time)
This would expand the strategic options.
Also demolition should stop (with infrastructure partially damaged proportional to how long the demolition process was going on) if the enemy capture the province before demolition is complete.
If it is seriously looked into, I would prefer to see it a penalty to destroy your own structures in a razed earth policy. It is then a double loss, both to the recipient once taken, and to the player evacuating it.
It is unlikely that this 'demolishing your own province' prior to losing it would be entertained as an legitimate option of using Bytro's paid employees time and resources for such coding changes within the game. since we already have the option to burn the province down with gold as soon as the opponent conquers the province... which brings more profit to the company.
IMO; only suggestions geared toward increasing Bytro's profit , rather than reducing it, would EVER be considered as options for any coding changes.
Perhaps a GM option only would fit into this business model. X amount of GM for X amount of damage at random within the province, similar to a GM spy attack, but in reverse.
I love the idea! What effects would this have on your moral though?
Good question. Bet they could figure out an equitable penalty though.
I like this. I have been wishing for the ability to destroy infrastructure. I think it would make sense for destruction of each building to take time, but it shouldn't be long.
there have to be option to demolish unwanted buildings