yeah we know, this is why I bypassed enemy efenses and took his capital
crazy days
yeah we know, this is why I bypassed enemy efenses and took his capital
crazy days
With all the due respect, that can't be the answer in a war simulator game. It's not possible to tell the player "be risky with the RoW if you don't want your troops attacks neutrals". They're neutrals precisely because we haven't trust enough to give RoW to them.
I just lost a round due to players "clashing" with my troops to provoke wars. It practically became impossible to control naval passes. Hence, you know what we can expect when potential enemies discover we gave them RoW just because we wouldn't want to enter in a war with them.
I'm sorry for your lost war. After we soon revised the "fire at will" setting again this won't happen anymore by default. Then you will have all the choices yourself if you want to avoid attacking neutrals. You could give right of way to them if you want to use aggressive mode near them, or you could use "fire at will" mode when near them (default for everyone), or you could avoid moving near them when using aggressive. If you still end up at war then it will be the consequences of your own actions.
This change will just be the best compromise between all different player requests and we will roll with it. It really won't be hard to get used to that behaviour, and to plan accordingly.
The bug persists, ranged units aren't attacking neutral units when set as Aggressive fire.
GID: 2767879
UID: 4348074
Another side effect of this seems to be that now all AI controlled units appear to be in aggressive mode.
This means that it is no longer possible for units to pass through AI neutrals at sea without triggering a war, even if you have them set to RoW
Huge flaw IMHO....
Display MoreAnother side effect of this seems to be that now all AI controlled units appear to be in aggressive mode.
This means that it is no longer possible for units to pass through AI neutrals at sea without triggering a war, even if you have them set to RoW
Huge flaw IMHO....
That's not the aggresive mode, that's the Fire at Will mode, the default, aggresive mode is even more aggresive
That's not the aggresive mode, that's the Fire at Will mode, the default, aggresive mode is even more aggresive
Whatever, it still makes for a much worse game....
I'm currently in a Free For All where, thanks to this, an extra unintended war against an (abandoned) AI controlled state is probably going to prevent me from making the top five...
Not a happy bunny at all...
insted of complaining about that bug think how to use it against opponents and secure yourself on edges
there are always prons and cons.
Display Moref3dfa60c91615d677e67bcd599292aa1.png
The bug persists, ranged units aren't attacking neutral units when set as Aggressive fire.
GID: 2767879
UID: 4348074
now the aggresive mode doesn't even work properly when at war
finally opening for more exploits
insted of complaining about that bug think how to use it against opponents and secure yourself on edges
Why work around something that can be fixed ? Making it impossible for the vessels of peaceful nations to pass each other at sea without one or other of the Captains taking it upon himself to plunge his country into war totally destroys the 'suspencion of disbelief'...
because it is possible they will never fixed it and your waiting is worth nothing
Seems very simple, the wars start when you are crossing one of the dots on the ocean, so if you see someone at sea then you give them RoW when you get close and move past their units then change back to peace status after you are past their units to avoid wars starting at sea... again another "feature" of the game which is intended and will require greater activity level... same as HnR... activity level based exploits are "features"
This does not change war being started at sea by crossing an invisible SUB...however
Thank you Freezy for explaining how to avoid the stupid wars at sea
This is not about fixing something, it's about unbreaking it! None of these changes were needed or in any way demanded by the community, they just came in and broke the firing modes!
Roll back this hideous update, please!
Aggressive firing mode has become utterly unusable in the vast majority of situations and (I hate to play that card, but) that is a feature people pay good money for! Stop ignoring the fact that nobody likes this! Nobody needs their artilleries to fire at random neutrals, that is just preposterous!
You're selling a mostly broken, mostly useless product at this point, how on earth can you be okay with this?
There is no rhyme or reason to any of this craziness!
The "new" aggressive mode is effectively useless especially with elite AI in the mix. You can set your units on aggressive and be in your own and enemy territory as you go to bed, but, during the night, some AI units might move into range of your aggressive units and voila, you wake up to find you're in an unwanted war because of it.
I agree 100% with Lost...ROLL IT BACK!
Stop fixing things that are NOT broke!
I'm dying to see SOMEONE come forward and claim they asked for this "new" aggressive mode and explain WHY they wanted it.
I've already found some ways to use this new "feature" w/o having problems.
I just gave all other surrounding nations (except the nation I'm attacking) right of way - so my units won't attack these nations.
That's certainly a workaround, but why make me have to do that when there's no real benefits anywhere? Why not just keep it the way it was when it was fine and everybody liked it?
The aggressive fire does have ups and downs. I dislike that it will kill everything when you don't want it too. however, I like aspect of the aggressive fire being able to attack units/players that are invading. when a nation declares war on you through diplomacy your units do not fire until you are attacked. this helps with sneak attacks from neutral nations.
I have found one Advantage in aggressive fire mode via playing 'cat and mouse' with my opponents; by getting the opponent to chase my units into AI lands, then the player chasing me with his 'arty' set on aggressive fire causes War Status between himself and the AI due to "splash damage"... is a nice way to slow down the high activity HnR players as they then have to fight thru the Elite AI country to get to me, same 'splash damage' thing happens when player is chasing your units into AI lands with planes ....
So, there are still ways to manipulate new features and turn them against other players... we basically need to find these nuances from before changes to the rule/game mechanic's, and adapt them to today's game... so the entertainment continues
Just my humble Opinion... but I am thinking that this could possibly be the reason Furry1 goes to bed at peace with AI and wakes up at war with AI.... someone sent one inf unit into range of his 'arty' units that are set on Aggressive fire mode, to intentionally cause the war due to splash damage...
Just my humble Opinion... but I am thinking that this could possibly be the reason Furry1 goes to bed at peace with AI and wakes up at war with AI.... someone sent one inf unit into range of his 'arty' units that are set on Aggressive fire mode, to intentionally cause the war due to splash damage...
Actually it hasn't happened to me because I never leave units on aggressive anymore when I leave the game but it is a drawback now for everyone. Boris, I agree, we can find a "work around" but I'm still curious to know who and WHY someone thought this change would be a GOOD idea? Anyone, in fact, could you please explain to me WHY this change is a positive change?
was it not announced they fixed that update somehow/ rolled it back?
anyway - I had fleet of 70 lcs chasing stack on water of 5 mln shooting regularly on aggressive mode. guy was sending breadcrumbs behind to slow me down but it started to break my aggressive mode which was not firing from time to time. I finished once going afk for like 32- 33 minutes and finding my stack rammed into his swimming blob...
same happened in another game without killing any breadcrumbs - I was using return fire option when chasing enemy stack. I was hoping at least this will work. My 45 lcs rammed into enemy who was afk. he had stack of infs ans slightly behind stack of ships. I though - easy, I will switch off aggressive, kill ships, then redirect fire. my lcs were already under fire from BBS so where following it.
so both paid option are worth nothing after company started to make adjustments in Fire at Will update. I would kindly ask to revert everything, without fixing that update, to the state from before Fire at Will update.
already building queues are not working as they should, broken in 3 different ways. Now even automatic fore does not work.
In general only working options in HQ are rally point and HQ chat. Can someone responsible for gold consumer feedback have a look at HQ issues and fixed till 2020? I am not playing nay new maps since over half a year because of that. I do not have time to sit in a game that is why I pay for HQ to help me with that. but now, when it does not work there is no point for me to play at all.