Elite AI for all! - Patch Notes

  • It's simple, Jeck: games aren't made for you having an easy playing, neither for the newbie (we can be considerated with their first steps, though) nor the expert. If you don't like challenges, that's fine, but spare me from that "standard".

    Greetings. :*

    ES. EN & PT Game Operator

    Bytro Labs | Supremacy 1914


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  • Im quite frankly not surprised that a EN mod for bytro is defending these updates. I was enjoying a good amount of hours and pay from my job. When i became critical of them, my hours dropped significantly, i will not be working for the company in the coming weeks. Probably the same with you demon. If youre actually critical of the updates that are clearly hurting the playerbase, youll end up out of a job. Its fine, i get that you have to defend it, no matter how absurd it becomes. Id be willing to bet (whats left of) my paycheck that if an update dropped that made all rounds in the game "starts when full" rounds, youd defend it too. Again, its fine, you gotta do whats best for business and you. Simple, putting up new players against elite AI is completely unfair and appalling. Ive been playing this game 4 years, and stat-wise, as well as in game, i still play like a player whos played for a few months. How are players going to remain competitive in 100p or 500p games if you put them up against 4 prov nations that destroy 80% of my fighting force? Get good? yeah, i hear that in pay to win games all the time, and trust me, buying my way through games doesnt make me competitive, it makes me feel like that company's servant. (since i cant use the b word)

    Jeck i totally agree with you here, like i said before. Update ruins alot of rp work. It ruins generous players too. Im in a game right now where one of my coalition members robbed me of half a nation, after i did literally all the fighting, and a non-coalition member, who is currently destroying him, said he would gift me the provs that i was screwed out of. I had to tell him that thanks to the update, he/she will not be able to exercise their generousity to me. Not only does this ruin rp work, it kinda hurts good hearted players too. (but yes, i realise kind players dont help the income that this game is focusing on either). Trade is also a HUGE part of my alliances with other players. In a game where i was Hungary, i managed to side with a powerful coalition, because i started with favorable trades to members that i was diplomatically friendly with. Now how am i supposed to prove my worth, or how true to my word i am? I cant, thats how. Now i have to satisfy the experts by 'getting good' and that will just make me a toxic player. I play this game for fun. To meet new players, to see their rp work, to make my survival chances better by trading resources to other nations etc.

    The last few updates have made it clear to the playerbase: This game is being steered slowly (but surely) in the direction of pay to win, or pay to enjoy. After a while, if this game survives that long, i wont be surprised if it becomes pay to play. Heres something bytro might see (before they probably ban my account for saying how i feel), my High Command Expires in less than 2 days. Ive bought almost 2 years HC from Bytro, and after the last few updates. I can tell Bytro with 100% confidence that i will not be "renewing" my "membership" so to speak. Its not worth dumping another $60 into a game that doesnt care about its main playerbase.

  • I do not exactly know the solution to the problems posed by the update,or whether they are problems. However,I have a solution for the landswap problem. I have already made a thread about it.

    So,my idea is that there should be a 'map editor' of sorts. You would have to have HC,and above a certain rank to be able to make an editted map. Then,you would have to pay about 2500 goldmarks to make such a game.

    In the editor,you can edit:

    -Which province belongs to which nation

    -Province Morale

    -Troops in the province (Eg: You could put 10 infantry,1 cav,1 mechanical car,etc in a province)

    -How many resources the province produces. 100% is the standard rate,and the lowest rate is 25%. The highest rate is 200%,and once a province has a 175% or higher rate of resource production,it becomes classified as a double resource province)

    -Flag of a nation

    -Ruler of a nation and his title

    -Capital of a nation

    -Playable nations/Non Playable nations

    What do you guys think of this? Im sure that you wont have a need to landswap,if you can just assign provinces to nations without having to conquer or trade provinces.

    Im a pretty Mediocre player :|

  • Wasn't around at the time, but according to some old members of the rp community who where, a map editor was promised a few years back. We still waitin' lol.

    Not like bytro would implement such a good feature though lmao, if people don't get mad it ain't a bytro update I say

  • Wasn't around at the time, but according to some old fucks of the rp community who where, a map editor was promised a few years back. We still waitin' lol.

    Not like bytro would implement such a good feature though lmao, if people don't get mad it ain't a bytro update I say

    I don't think Bytro ever considered implementing a map editor. Here since 2012, never saw any info about it on the news.


    Soldiers! don't give yourselves to brutes

    men who despise you, enslave you

    who regiment your lives, tell you what to do

    what to think and what to feel!

    Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle,

    use you as cannon fodder.

    Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men

    machine men with machine minds and machine hearts!

  • The removal of trade means you can't buy off another country. I once held off 3 powers bigger than me by buying 2 off then repelling the 3rd. The one would break the agreement and I would repeat. I lasted 2 weeks against 3 powers more than double my size thanks trading. Irl this was something called negotiating and bribery. For a desperate country to survive playing off the greed of his fellows is a skilled move. In irl history generals have been paid to kill thier leaders or to stand by when they are needed. These men are disgusting but they have and do exist. You want us to use the world market but for a nation that has been wounded in war that may not be viable. It's also less realistic, useful and please keep it. I must simply point out that the us trades with China , England etc etc the wto more regulates it. There is no giant Bazaar where nation's buy things. Instead they say yo China my boi I need some cheap colorful toys. Then China says my man I'll do it for the pork or whatever. I find late games trading is better as my neighbor may give me much needed fish for iron because market prices are rising. He pays less and I get what I actually need.

  • First of all I feel a day or two more reasonable given that most websites function like that.

    My only other complaint is cutting off the rest of the game. Some of us do both rp and competitive. Much as I love rp some days I wanna just play a good ol round. But yeah Bytro I have played mostly on s1914 because I have been here for so long. I have a history in my stats, those stats make each war a attempt to improve them and give a sense of achievement from game to game. I agree with Momo on bringing tombola back. I know I logged in every morning to spin it, Now I only login every morning if I'm at war. I stay active but I think the tombola would solve half the nation's going inactive in games.

  • It's simple, Jeck: games aren't made for you having an easy playing, neither for the newbie (we can be considerated with their first steps, though) nor the expert. If you don't like challenges, that's fine, but spare me from that "standard".

    Greetings. :*

    isn't the new people what bytro is trying to pull in? Like they want poor guys to get hurt by ai and gm spam thinking the tiny amount they get for new acct will actually last then be urged to buy more because they refuse to lose to ai. I mean ngl it's smart money wise until your old guard starts dropping. Also bytro I don't appreciate being pushed to s1 by you wrecking this game. I have a long history here. If you wanted that you could put them in the same website or have slapped a new name and features and called it a revitalization. Furthermore the name kinda seems like a fishy attempt to barely squeak by copyright law. It's akin to making a strategy game and calling it supremacist 1915. Just saying it's technically legal but breaks the spirit of why that law exists. You want to leech bf1 playerbase but um they are playing one of the best fps made, if they come here from there thinking hey it's similar they in for a shock. Also nobody likes to play when all the enemies are killed by ai. Leave the noob trouncing to us old guard.

  • Bytro Labs

    Just a friendly advice btw.

    At least give us a heads up before you guys implement these changes. No, seriously, give us like 2-3 weeks ahead of time so we know what to expect and give you guys a constructive of what we think of the upcoming changes.

    Most games I've played always give major announcements about upcoming changes in-game before rolling it live. Why can't this game do the same?

    Saying that these changes were tested in pioneer games before making it live doesn't give you guys an excuse to just throw it in our face without addressing the entire community about it.

    I am assuming that 80-90% of the player-base don't even have pioneer access to test these changes you guys implement in live games. Hell... I don't even know how to access this pioneer games you guys speak of.

    This isn't the first time Bytro implemented changes without letting the community know before the changes were live, and time and time again when this happens, it ruins the games of players who weren't expecting these updates/changes.

    To be honest, Bytro, you guys hope and just throw updates out of nowhere and expect us to like them without any repercussions.

    For example:

    We hope you like these changes and bug fixes and wish you all the best on the battlefield.

    Your Bytro team

    The update isn't that bad imo. These changes did address some annoying exploits in the game, but also hurt some fair-users in the process. It is annoying that we have to adapt suddenly with these changes, but it is what it is.

    "Hopefully", Bytro also learns from our comments and don't make the same mistake again.

  • It might be a good idea at this point. I mean I would have liked the heads up for a few games. I mean this last update on the en server, the announcement is in Dutch. Like seriously I can't read it. I know it's dutch thanks to a friend. No offense to the dutch I just don't speak y'all's language and much as I find foreign languages interesting I would like important info to be readable. I mean the only English version Available here on the English server is the first post of this thread.

  • Thinking more, I logged into a game today and bought out the oil. Normally I would ask a neighbor to trade but I can't trade. This is going to be a rising demand I know because in my day It tool me a whole year to realize you could sell on the market. So now I have to go start a war to get oil. This led me to realize what about the games with no coalitions? What will they do? Start a unfeasible war or starve? Is that really strategy. To have simple game mechanics force you to act early?

  • Thinking more, I logged into a game today and bought out the oil. Normally I would ask a neighbor to trade but I can't trade. This is going to be a rising demand I know because in my day It tool me a whole year to realize you could sell on the market. So now I have to go start a war to get oil. This led me to realize what about the games with no coalitions? What will they do? Start a unfeasible war or starve? Is that really strategy. To have simple game mechanics force you to act early?

    This is what bugs me the most about the update.

    Im a pretty Mediocre player :|

  • Also, where did they get this idea of for the recent changes implemented in the game?

    I checked the Missing Features or even the suggestion thread, and found no user proposing such changes.

    Did they do like a survey I am not aware of? What's going on, Bytro?

  • Also, where did they get this idea of for the recent changes implemented in the game?

    I checked the Missing Features or even the suggestion thread, and found no user proposing such changes.

    Did they do like a survey I am not aware of? What's going on, Bytro?

    They take them from their secret"Shit that ruins the game pile"

  • I don't entirely understand the reasoning in just removing the features of Unit trading and Resource trading (unless in a coalition) I suppose having it in a ranked match would be acceptable, but there should be a way to dileniate or make those settings yourself when a match is created (as long as it's unranked)

    Since otherwise, it just seems to be an addition to something that isn't broken- it's not as though people with multi-accounts are going to just begin *not* multi-accounting now because they can't trade units/resources anymore. As said earlier, they'll just make a huge coalition full of their other multi-accounts and then all join it and trade internally, swapping from one country to another. The Elite AI isn't such a big deal, but the two removals of trade (or heavy restriction of resource trade) to me is just a terrible decision and one that's going to ruin a lot of the diplomatic choices or pathways one can take in a game of Supremacy.

    So now instead of trading with my neighbors, I'll just yeet them- because that's obviously the right thing to do.

  • I have been around in some forum or another since we have been able to name our armies on the original AI and though this has come up, it has never gained much traction. The closest would be the movement to either make the original 2009 User Interface public or able to select it as it had a large community movement for it (Sorry I dont have exact records from that time) which Bytro more or less just swept under the rug.

  • bytro updates

    so to go around unit transfer you:

    1. stay alive from all multis, friendpacks, stalkers who came to map just to spoil your game, GMers, Hnr zombies and rushers. If you manage that ->

    2. you join coalition , the more resources the betttr and 1 GMer is a need

    3. If you are convinced there is noone else who plays certain type of unit better than you contact coalition.

    4. you ask for resources your coalition

    5. You ask Gmer to spawn units for you

    6. you kill all those nice people in the map as you are force to do that by bytro ....

  • 1. stay alive from all multis, friendpacks, stalkers who came to map just to spoil your game, GMers, Hnr zombies and rushers. If you manage that ->

    The best way to survive a 500p game right now would be joining with friends you already know and trust. They don't have to be good as long as you guys are organized, you will dominate a map.

    Most of the random coalitions made aren't organized too well or they don't trust each other, and that's a huge disadvantage oppose to a coalition that can coordinate well and believe each others' strengths. Even a GM user would have trouble fighting a well-organized coalition.

    2. you join coalition , the more resources the betttr and 1 GMer is a need

    I am experiencing this right now in my 500p game. It looks like randoms tend to gravitate to coalitions who have strong players in them. Unfortunately, with the coalition member slot limitation, I cannot accept all of them. And there's a big problem where there's 1 unstoppable coalition in the late game because of this system. With the availability of lending units before the update, you can trust rent your units to players who need help to survive against a more powerful nation, but with it gone, you just watch as that helpless player get eaten up by that OP player in-game.

    3. If you are convinced there is noone else who plays certain type of unit better than you contact coalition.

    It's pretty challenging to organize an attack with randoms in a coalition. Even if you are an excellent in a certain unit in-game, if your team won't cooperate well in a team fight, then it's no different as playing solo.

    4. you ask for resources your coalition

    Even if you join a coalition with randoms, it is still not a guarantee they would be willing to trade their resources to you.

    5. You ask Gmer to spawn units for you

    I doubt GM users would just freely spawn units for random players they are not close with.

    6. you kill all those nice people in the map as you are force to do that by bytro ....

    I think it's still possible to trust a friendly coalition keeping their word if they agree on a non-aggression pact, but honestly, without share map it would be a huge risk keeping a coalition near your border unchecked.

    For some reason, if neutral nations are not in a coalition you can still offer right of way, share map, and share intel. So it's still possible to keep neutral nations checked, but other friendly coalitions unchecked, which makes no sense...

  • Also, I noticed that the game developers rarely interact with their community whenever they post new updates, which is really bad.

    They just post the changes and that's it. End of story.

    I am starting to think they don't even read our opinions and stuff. The same goes with the Missing Features forum where you post your suggestions or ideas you want to add in the game. The only replies users get are from mods, and when they post a new concept the mods replies are: "added to big list", "idea already suggested", or "for balancing issues devs cannot implement your idea".

    Anyways, I wonder what the next update would be like.