Standard Build Schedule/Plan for Beginners

  • Standard Build Schedule
    Standard can be adapted depending on allies and resources (Island countries build more LC’s / fewer arty)
    1st thing go to Resources and set OIL use to Zero, you want to stockpile Oil for factories on day 8,

    if you do not have OIL you will want to expand and take oil provinces

    Early in map, Do Not waste resources on Tanks, Bombers or Rail Guns

    Day 1> Recruiting Offices in all provinces, Dbl Resource provinces **ONLY**> workshops (lvl 1 &2) + Barracks lvl 1
     Start armored cars ‘AC’s”
     Build forts on border provinces of enemy threats

    Day 2 > Dbl resource provinces Build calvary Units
     Build Harbor in province you (team/coaliton) need the 25% bonus on resources
     Any lvl 2 forts needed

    Days 3 + continue building calvary units while grain allows, when grain is depleted disable barracks

    Day 5 > start any rail roads

    Day 8 > Lvl 1 factories
    Day 10 > lvl 2 factories, arty units and airfields
    Day 12 > lvl 3 factories, arty and fighters

    Day 14 > lvl 4 factories, arty and fighters

    Additional concepts with Resources and MID game Expansion

    All provinces have 4 million populations and have daily upkeep cost of 800/800/800 food/materials/energy to sustain upkeep cost read the following...

    **Self sustaining Province Morale %** > Double provinces at 20% / Single provinces 68% (with no corruption and no upgrades )

    For more help go to Discord link to the server > in #indicator chat room, bot command !outcome…66789081841674/output.png


    1. prioritize conquer provinces that produce oil

    2. every province has same daily upkeep (800/800/800 - food/material/energy)

    3. when expanding let provinces to rebel or lose them in war

    4. stacks are best when units are mixed groups

    5. In general invest in double provs, especially with energy

    6. then invest into other provs

    7.adjust resources sliders

    you probably have very low morale in provs with oil and energy this is why they do not produce enough oil.

    this is what happenes if you expand wide without an idea how to do it and when to do it. Do not worry if you survive long enough others around you should collapse economically.


    Embrace your true nature , enjoy games and have fun!

    Edited once, last by Hastings TNT: When fighting keep a reserve force back, sending all units to battle front makes you vulnerable if opponent breaks thru your front line.... ().

  • Reason you build Barracks + cav units on Double resource provinces is because these Double resource provinces produce 2x the inf units that a Single resource province produces, adding the barracks in the Double resource province reduces the inf recruitment time again by 50%

    So considering grain upkeep cost for a lvl one barracks is 1000 units grain per day regardless of barracks being in single or double resource long run you are getting about 4 inf + cav unit in double resource province compared to 1 inf + cav unit in a single province....

    My math might be skewed due to percentages of whole numbers but gist is to take full advantage of the barracks /up keep cost you are building to reduce time on inf recruitment and also to build cav units...


    Embrace your true nature , enjoy games and have fun!

  • That is for when you are looking to build Mechanical units, main resource you need is oil for factories and for mechanical units, you can do without developing most food and material provinces, especially in big maps it boils down to energy in late stages of the map... so kinda off topic for a beginners guide, but if they survive the beginners also need to know what happens deeper into these maps.


    Embrace your true nature , enjoy games and have fun!

  • That is for when you are looking to build Mechanical units, main resource you need is oil for factories and for mechanical units, you can do without developing most food and material provinces, especially in big maps it boils down to energy in late stages of the map... so kinda off topic for a beginners guide, but if they survive the beginners also need to know what happens deeper into these maps.

    Jeez! I didnt think from this perspective! Very helpful! Thx a lot!

  • oh yeah, I will do this! I have question what's LC's? I'm in the middle of my translation and I have several doubts about the explanation of morals...


    (Double provinces at 20% / Single provinces 68% (with no corruption and no upgrades )

  • Hey bud,

    Why don't you take the time to do a translation into Portuguese for the players over on your server. I'm sure they'll appreciate it too.

    I am not aware of a translation of that buildplan into German. I find it very helpful, so would you mind if I translate and post it in the german forum as well?

  • I am not aware of a translation of that buildplan into German. I find it very helpful, so would you mind if I translate and post it in the german forum as well?

    You know we write these articles that are topics of interest or frequently asked questions to HELP the Community, you guys are welcome to take what you need; translate, edit do as you please to share with the community and other servers with my blessings LOL

    Keep in mind s1914 is always evolving and this post is meant as a "GUIDE" it is not the law and each player will find what is useful for them taking what is useful and discarding other parts ;)


    Embrace your true nature , enjoy games and have fun!