The way our release schedule works is that we have to know what we'll be working on a couple weeks before so we can follow a plan. The content of the recent update was decided on weeks earlier, hence we also mentioned at multiple stages that we will need a bit of time to work on legacy feedback related adjustments.
Everything is tested at minimum 2 weeks before it is released. If you'd like to provide feedback early, just join the frontline pioneers and you'll have access to content before it is released for everyone. Also helps us tremendously with adjustments.
As mentioned earlier, we will reimplement the double ressource icons, they got lost along the way of the release and will also implement further adjustments to the province list.
There is no simple "undo all da stuff" button for an update. It is possible but it involves not just some aspects of a feature but every bit of work we did in the last 2 weeks. It's quite frankly not done unless the game crashes on a large scale suddenly.

[S1914] Legacy-Removal Feedback Thread
For any kind of feedback regarding the 2021-05-26 update (province list, frontline reports, etc) please post it in the release notes thread for that update. It is not relevant to the topic of this thread which is the removal of legacy.
Everything is tested at minimum 2 weeks before it is released. If you'd like to provide feedback early, just join the frontline pioneers and you'll have access to content before it is released for everyone. Also helps us tremendously with adjustments.can we change pipeline for build releases and test them always for full 4 weeks? This will give 2* more time to test things and fix bugs before release of a new build
Thanks for the recent feedback guys! With the next update we will implement further changes:
Army Labels:
- Army labels will be downsized to not block as much screen space anymore
Province list:
- performance will be improved (reduction of lag)
- double resource icons will be displayed again
- province list will be movable to the right edge of the screen
- province list will remember its position and scale when reloading the game, so you only need to place it to your liking once
- buildings will all be displayed in their own column for easier sorting
- sorting buttons will be added on top of each building column for easier sorting
maybe more stuff...
That's REALLY useful but how is one supposed to know that?
The new and casual players Bytro are trying to attract would probably not stay long enough to find that out. Our to switch to low graphics and country colours....
I hate to say it the new province manager tool isn't an improvement either.
I AM TRYING to be positive.
New players do not have most of the issues that were raised in this thread. We know that because for 2 years the Revamp mode was the default for any new player and 95% of all Supremacy 1914 players were playing in the revamp mode. Most players do not have issues and regard the game as perfectly playable, we got barely any complaints. Most complaints only started when the other 5% of the remaining Legacy players had to switch as well. But we will work on them.
An accepted update will be one that includes the transparent armies label.
You can hold ctrl and move your troops around as this disables the auto snapping function.
Thanks for the answer, I did not know, I will test if things stick to the boundaries between provinces and this solves it, when you divide or change the direction of the movement -
where can I find button to turn off models completely? i cannot work with that graphic
Once again I find it refreshing to see the exchange of information from player to Developers and back again.
If we want the game to improve, this is a fine step.
Cudos to everyone for their patience and feedback. -
You can hold ctrl and move your troops around as this disables the auto snapping function.
Not to press on you, but: Can you already tell us how long will all those updates take? By July or later?
If you want real feed back from experienced players give players a reason to play Frontline Pioneers > Apparently evidence shows 2 yrs of Frontline Pioneers input/feedback has not helped. I have to assume we are all BETA testers considering this latest update ; you had 2 yrs of feedback time for working on this ReVamp display and you never had so many complaints until you removed Legacy option from veterans of s1914. So the 5% of remaining Legacy players are now getting chance to speak of what changes need to be made.
#1 change all SHOUT for is the option/ return of Tactical Armies Display, what do we get > Province admin tab broken, pathfinding broken, other country displayed for our own units... Please give us one thing we all asking for Tactical Army Display!
Reason to play Frontline Pioneers > Gold Mark Rewards or Bug Brigade medals, only reason I am listed as frontline Pioneer is to avoid the unwanted Pop-up Advertisement I get each time I log into s1914
One question do any of the DEV's actually play S1914?
New players do not have most of the issues that were raised in this thread. We know that because for 2 years the Revamp mode was the default for any new player and 95% of all Supremacy 1914 players were playing in the revamp mode. Most players do not have issues and regard the game as perfectly playable, we got barely any complaints. Most complaints only started when the other 5% of the remaining Legacy players had to switch as well. But we will work on them.
Of course new players don't complain about the issues raised on this thread as they don't know how much better the game was before the revamp.
If I play a game I don't like I don't complain about it, I just don't play again. Many of us 5% legacy players are passionate about YOUR game.
I am taking the time to give you feedback because I'd like this game to be so much better than "perfectly playable".
Some of the replies (intended or not) don't make me, or my views, feel very valued as a customer.
where can I find button to turn off models completely? i cannot work with that graphic
You can turn off all models and labels in the map filter menu. Quite frankly, if you read through and followed the thread it was mentioned multiple times that we're working on an option to disable 3d models or at least reduce their size but this hasn't been released yet. It will definitely be mentioned in the release notes once it does go live.
Not to press on you, but: Can you already tell us how long will all those updates take? By July or later?
Asuming you're refering to the changes related to legacy feedback: we're hoping to get most adjustments done by early july. Some might be released earlier if they're ready but I can't really give a more concrete estimation than that as there are a lot a variables involved.
Legacy will not be reimplemented as the reason behind its removal was that it runs seperately from the standard mode and eats up too much ressources regarding maintenance. We can however adjust the standard client in order to better reflect the look of legacy if legacy fans provide us with conrete points that we can work on in order to make it happen.
Thanks for pointing out the border issues.1) Each nation should have differing colors and/or clearly define borders.
2) The management bar should be on the bottom of the screen.
3) There should also be a way to disable the 3D unit sprites, as well as the cluttering unit markers when zoomed out. They take up way too much room on the map, and at a glance it's hard to get a reading on where the unit actually is in relation to its sprite/icon.
I would like to know, if possible, in the administrator of the provinces that each type of building is in a column, the current version is very confusing, when you select a building, for example, train, you must look for it row after row in different positions, really It's a headache.
The advance of the recruitment of soldiers is not relevant in this table, it is not a variable that you can modify directly, however, it is first with a thick circle that produces visual contamination and makes reading difficult, the only important thing here is to be able to filter provinces to select them according to the type of operation you want to do. For example, for moral reasons if you want to build fortresses, or those of fuel to make trains or the double ones to make factories with some criteria, those that have ports to manufacture ships, etc. The previous table was much simpler and more efficient ... greetings and Thanks for reading this. -
1) Each nation should have differing colors and/or clearly define borders.
2) The management bar should be on the bottom of the screen.
3) There should also be a way to disable the 3D unit sprites, as well as the cluttering unit markers when zoomed out. They take up way too much room on the map, and at a glance it's hard to get a reading on where the unit actually is in relation to its sprite/icon.
1.) you can set that in map controls > show nation colors,
3.) i think they are workingo n the 3d models2.) i think the management buttons would differ from person to person with whatever they prefer it to be placed
Surely bytro technicians will solve the problems listed in the messages.
I just wonder if you who respond to our messages played at Supremacy 1914 and if you like the game, try playing 3 or 4 games from 500 players at once.
Before the suspension of legacy mode I also played 20 games at the same time, now I can't play 3 games.
Surely bytro technicians will solve the problems listed in the messages.
I just wonder if you who respond to our messages played at Supremacy 1914 and if you like the game, try playing 3 or 4 games from 500 players at once.
Before the suspension of legacy mode I also played 20 games at the same time, now I can't play 3 games.
it is because revamp is so broken and unresponsive that managing things take up to 10 times more than in legacy
only if you can afford that much time more you can quadruple check if orders were carried out by lagging servers
Revamp is liar to new ppl. Here good example he think I am his ally even we are enemys. Austria removed all his soldier from my border think we are same team....
If check second pic you can see green and if check first one from diplomacy we are enemy teams. Confussing for new player. Make clear visible for all if dont want to lose more ppl. -
I've played this game since 2012, ranked in the top 250, participated in well over 340 campaigns and was well on my way to another solo victory when the plug was pulled on my favorite game of all time.. Supremacy 1914 Legacy Version.
The revamp is unplayable.
Does anyone know of another game out there that is like the Legacy Version of Supremacy 1914?
I really loved Supremacy 1914 LEGACY. as did many.
Call of War
almost copy of legacy and it works!