• Popularity of your nation among elite AI can be looked up easily now, but little was known about what it is influenced by. Freezy has made available the following factors concerning popularity:

    Actions that improve your popularity with AI:
    - being enemy with their enemies
    - being friends (high diplomatic stance) with them and their friends
    - trading with them

    Actions that decrease your popularity with AI:
    - having peace or better relations with their enemies
    - having bad diplomatic relations or war with them or their friends
    - starting new wars without declaring them
    - when producing a lot of troops while already being unpopular
    - having troops in their country without right of way
    - getting your spies caught by them

    The weight of these factors and how they quantifiable influence popularity is unknown, currently.

  • - having troops in their country without right of way - are we sure about that, I never noticed any difference

    Seems legit, after all, since enemy troops means morale decrease.

    ES. EN & PT Game Operator

    Bytro Labs | Supremacy 1914


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  • By the way, I want to share something to you, people:

    Elite AI can be SM if you have high reputation enough. Too bad that country is gonna be betrayed anytime soon. PC must learn he can't be SM with anybody. :evil:

    ES. EN & PT Game Operator

    Bytro Labs | Supremacy 1914


    All the things you need to play this game can be found here, here and here.

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  • You also get a warning in advance that you might provoke war if you do so. But something that can be easily tested no?

    I think I saw somewhere a war started only by placing troops in a enemy province.

    ES. EN & PT Game Operator

    Bytro Labs | Supremacy 1914


    All the things you need to play this game can be found here, here and here.

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  • Alert is that entering AI can harm your reputation and cause a war...however from my experience war is not started unless you get within melee range of AI troops


    Embrace your true nature , enjoy games and have fun!

  • No, not very helpfull, as "The weight of these factors and how they quantifiable influence popularity is unknown" !!!
    And what I see doeesn't really match with what is said.

    In my actual games,I didn't make any of these "actions that decrease your popularity"

    - starting new wars without declaring them
    - when producing a lot of troops while already being unpopular
    (what is "a lot" ???!!!)
    - having troops in their country without right of way
    - getting your spies caught by them

    On the contrary I have been attacked by an other players without any previous warning - and even with player I had high diplomatic stance with - and my popularity is much lower than them !

    I really don't understand how to manager it, but it's very stupide and boring to be always attacked by IA and being unable to get back to peace with them !!!

  • Well, popularity doesn't work against human players.

    And if you're talking about AI players, nobody said you don't lose popularity if you declare wars abeforehand.

    ES. EN & PT Game Operator

    Bytro Labs | Supremacy 1914


    All the things you need to play this game can be found here, here and here.

    Do you want to experience new ways to enjoy Supremacy 1914? Click here and here.

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  • and my popularity is much lower than them !

    You do not know another player's popularity unless he tells you. The number it gives you when selecting a human player's profile is your own global popularity, the average you have among all the AI. It's a little misleading, but that's what it is.

    Also the fact that there are no precise numbers anywhere and nobody really cares about it all that much is your hint that it's not nearly that important to gameplay. Popularity will do things here and then and over the course of a game it deteriorates, usually, anyway. I think there is reason to doubt that knowing the exact numbers would provide any gameplay benefit to you. Come to think of it it's not even such a bad thing that you don't have the exact equation for your own Excel sheets - should it really be that predictable how a random nation's leader comes to form his opinion on you?

  • You do not know another player's popularity unless he tells you. The number it gives you when selecting a human player's profile is your own global popularity, the average you have among all the AI. It's a little misleading, but that's what it is.

    Nope. You can see your own global popularity only when looking at your own nation. When looking at other players it's specific popularity of their nation toward yours (which may start to matter once that nation goes AI).

  • Nope. You can see your own global popularity only when looking at your own nation. When looking at other players it's specific popularity of their nation toward yours (which may start to matter once that nation goes AI).

    Yeah, turns out I was misled myself. Either way, it doesn't tell you the other guy's popularity, that was the main thing.

  • there is an issue with the market i know that it is set to be like the real world ... but this being a game id like a bit of leeway

    not to mention the control the ai an comp countries exude over the stock market they should have to make trades not just take them an inflate the market ...

  • What about having more than 2/3 active wars at once I was told that before and definitely seems to be true.

    I had wondered before whether it was better for popularity to attack players or declare then attack. Looks like that question may be answered.

    As for the other guy asking how others had way better popularity and how to keep ai from attacking you.

    You can make relationships with all AI at game start. I give right of way, shared maps, and shared intel. The ones closest to me I give shared intel. After a war I'll go thru and up some of the relationships from ROW or shared, to shared intel.

    As players go inactive I give relationship to them (I start with row if closer or newly inactive then eventually shared dep on their distance from me and threat to me.) I also give relationship to players with only a prov or 2 left. I also give row to far away players that aren't a threat (with this just make sure to revoke of they come ur way. Then I try to keep my active wars as low as possible if possible with out affecting my gameplay. If you do this game day 1 before day change, u get a bunch of countries who give you row. Once u have row it'll stay with the country even if ur popularity is reduced to 50 percent or so with them. As mentioned if you have row with ai for a little while they will up it to shared if your popularity doesn't plummet.

    Also AI tend to have relationships with other ai so doing this helps u to meet the friends with friends portion too.

    By doing this I never have AI attack me in most maps. The Shattered America one tho AI will nearly always attack at some point but doing as I said will postpone this until end game.

    It's not mentioned but having multiple of wars that you started and various all at one time before others end will sk k popularity quickly and get ai to attack u.

    I always do this bc I can use the ROW and shared with the ai to make the ai a border of protection for my country and/or war bait an enemy attack on my troops in the ai land can cause the ai to attack the enemy player and overwhelm them with more troops. I use it for migrating as a way to easily get grounded elsewhere(other continents) where I want to expand or have a target I want to hit without facing the chance of being attacked on disembarkment. I use it to claim ai land and capital and save for later by placing troops on the ai cap or other prov bordering other player so they would have to start war with me to take the ai land which deters other players from attacking it, I use the row and shared with the ai to gain entry into a neighboring players less guarded provinces for a sneak/surprise attacks as they don't suspect I have the row. And obv if u get shared u can use the fortresses and attack other prov from the ai land when it makes sense to and benefits you to do so.